Baikow Institute for Metallurgy and Materials Science

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Baikow Institute for Metallurgy and Materials Science, Moscow

The Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science ( Russian Институт металлургии и материаловедения имени А. А. Байкова ) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) in Moscow is a research center for metallurgy of non-ferrous metals and light metals , steel metallurgy and refractory materials and for materials science .


The institute was founded on the initiative of IP Bardins as the Institute for Metallurgy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) on October 29, 1938 in Moscow with Bardin as acting director. The first department heads were MA Pavlov (steel metallurgy), DM Tschischikow (metallurgy of non-ferrous metals), AA Baikow ( metallurgy ) and E. Britzke ( physical chemistry ).

During the German-Soviet War , the institute in Sverdlovsk was evacuated from 1941 to 1943 .

In 1946 the department for metallurgy of non-ferrous metals and their alloys was founded under the direction of AA Botschwar . In the same year, the name of the deceased department head Baikow was added to the name of the institute.

Bardin headed the institute until his death in 1960. He was followed first as acting director AM Samarin , who headed the Laboratory for Steel Metallurgy since 1951 and was deputy director since 1955. After working as Vice President of the Government Committee for the Coordination of Science and Research in the USSR from 1961 to 1966 , he was director of the institute until his death in 1970. This was followed by the directors NW Agejew (1970–1975), JM Savitski and NP Lyakischew (1987–2004) . In 1997 the institute received its current name Baikow Institute for Metallurgy and Material Science . 2004–2007, JK Kowneristy headed the institute. Since then, KA Solnzew has been director of the institute. In 2007 the Institute for Problems of Ceramic Materials was incorporated into the RAN.

The institute is currently divided into 33 laboratories that deal with physical-chemical and materials science problems. Laboratory No. 7 for structural steels and alloys was founded by Bardin in 1939, as its director NT Gudzow was appointed. The laboratory plays a leading role in the development of new steels on the basis of extensive basic research. After Gudzow's death IA Oding , DA Prokoschkin , MW Pridanzew and from 1964 OA Bannych followed . Bannychs assistant Kira Borisovna Powarowa received 1996 Anossow award the RAN for theoretical work on alloys based on intermetallic compounds along with Alexander Anatolyevich Iljin and Yevgeny Nikolayevich Kablow .

Also, amorphous and nanocrystalline materials and composites and ceramic materials are investigated.

Web links

Commons : Baikow Institute for Metallurgy and Materials Science  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d RAN: 70 лет со дня создания Института металлургии и материаловедения им. А.А.Байкова РАН (accessed March 16, 2017).
  2. Article Samarin Alexander Michailowitsch in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D037448~2a%3DSamarin%20Alexander%20Michailowitsch~2b%3DSamarin%20Alexander%20Michailowitsch
  3. Article Sawizki Jewgeni Michailowitsch in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D037448~2a%3D%20Sawizki%20Jewgeni%20Michailowitsch~2b%3D%20Sawizki%20Jewgeni%20Michailowitsch
  4. Умер академик Лякишев Николай Павлович (accessed March 16, 2017).
  5. ОБ ИНСТИТУТЕ Лаборатории (accessed March 16, 2017).
  6. Лаборатория конструкционных сталей и сплавов им. академика Н.Т. Гудцова (№7) (accessed March 31, 2017).
  7. RAN: Премия имени П.П. Аносова (accessed May 27, 2020).