Kira Borisovna Powarova

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Kira Borisovna Powarowa born Kira Borisovna Potschukowa , ( Russian Кира Борисовна Поварова , maiden name Russian Кира Борисовна Почукова * 9 September 1933 in Moscow ) is a Soviet - Russian materials scientist and university lecturer .


Kira Borisovna's father was the economist Boris Fyodorowitsch Pochukov (1895-1980), who came from a noble family and worked in the financial administration of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture after the October Revolution . Her mother Marija Wassiljewna nee Igumnowa (1901-1984) came from a provincial merchant family and worked as a nurse.

Kira Borisovna attended Moscow Middle School No. 43, graduating in 1951 with a silver medal. She then studied at the Moscow Steel Institute in the technological faculty , graduating in 1956 with distinction as a metallurgist and specialist in heat treatment of steels. In 1954 she married the metallurgist Vladimir Sergejewitsch Powarow (* 1930).

After graduating, Powarova began to work at the Baikov Institute of Metallurgy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR, since 1991 Russian Academy of Science (RAN)) as a senior laboratory assistant in the laboratory for refractory metals , rare metals and alloys . There she became an engineer in 1957 and a research assistant in 1959. In 1962 she successfully defended her dissertation at the Steel Institute on the physical-chemical interactions of rhenium with transition metals and the properties of some alloys for her doctorate as a candidate in technical sciences. In 1983 she successfully defended her doctoral thesis on the physical-chemical principles of the development of high-temperature construction materials based on tungsten alloys for her doctorate in technical sciences at the All Union Research Institute for Aviation Materials . In 1986 she moved to the Laboratory for Structural Steels and Alloys of the Baikow Institute, named after Nikolai Timofejewitsch Gudzow and headed by Oleg Alexandrowitsch Bannych . She has been the chief scientific officer there since 1991. In 1992 she was the only woman to be appointed professor of metal science and heat treatment.

In addition to her research activities, Powarova taught at the Moscow State Aviation Institute (MAI) at the Chair of Materials Science from 1983 to 1986 . Since 1992 she has been a part-time professor at the Chair of Materials Science at the Moscow Aviation Technology Institute (MATI), which originally emerged from the MAI in 1932 and has been the Russian State Tsiolkovsky Technology University since 1996 .

Powarowa's daughter Doctor of Technical Sciences Marija Vladimirovna Kostina (* 1964) is a leading research assistant at the Laboratory for Structural Steels and Alloys and the Laboratory for Physical Chemistry and Fracture Mechanics of the Baikow Institute, a specialist in corrosion-resistant, high-strength nitrogen steels and lecturer .

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Steel Institute: Кира Борисовна (accessed on May 27, 2020).
  2. a b c d e f Список биографий в алфавитном порядке: Поварова Кира Борисовна (accessed May 27, 2020).
  3. Поварова К. Б .: Физико-химическое взаимодействие рения с переходными металлами и свойства некоства некоторых сплавравоторых сплавравторых сплавравот: на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук / М-во высш. и сред. спец. образования РСФСР . Моск. ин-т стали и сплавов, Moscow 1962.
  4. Povarova KB: Powder metallurgy of tungsten alloys (alloying, pretreatment, sintering. NVN, structure, properties) . In: Euro PM 2004 . S. 831-837 .
  5. Steel Institute: СВЕДЕНИЯ ОБ ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫХ ОППОНЕНТАХ. Фамилия, имя, отчество: Костина Мария Владимировна (accessed May 28, 2020).
  6. Baikow Institute: Лаборатория физикохимии и механики металлических материалов (№19) (accessed May 28, 2020).
  7. Stahl-Institut: Костина Мария Владимировна (accessed on May 28, 2020).
  8. Выпускники металлургического факультета Московской горной академии (МГА) Московского института стали (МИС) Московского института цветных металлов и золота (МИЦМиЗ) Московского государственного института стали и сплавов (МИСиС) внесшие существенный вклад в государственное строительство, развитие народного хозяйства, науки и высшего образования . МИСиС, Moscow 2002, p. 48 .
  9. RAN: Премия имени П.П. Аносова (accessed May 27, 2020).