Nikolai Wladimirowitsch Agejew

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Nikolai Vladimirovich Agejew ( Russian Николай Владимирович Агеев * June 30 jul. / 13. July  1903 greg. In Tbilisi ; † 10. September 1983 in Moscow ) was a Russian physicist , Metallurg and university teachers .


Ageev studied at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute and worked in the mining metallurgical laboratory from 1921 to 1925 . After graduating in 1926, Agejew continued to work there scientifically and give lectures. In 1936 he successfully defended his doctoral thesis on the physical-chemical investigation of intermetallic phases .

In 1938 Ageev went to Moscow and worked in the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (IONCh) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR). 1940–1941 he was arrested. 1941–1942 during the German-Soviet War he taught alongside his work at the IONCh in the Institute for Precision Mechanics and Optics , 1943–1944 in the Forest Technology Institute and 1944–1947 in the military academy for the armored forces . In 1946 he became a corresponding member of the AN-SSSR. 1949–1951 he was arrested again. He was then rehabilitated . In 1944, before the second arrest, he had become a member of the CPSU .

In 1951 Ageev entered the Moscow Metallurgy Institute of the AN-SSSR, where he remained until his death. In 1952 he became editor of the Russian journal for problems in modern metallurgy and in 1956 chief editor of the division's metallurgy . In addition, he worked at the All Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (1955–1972). In 1968 he became a real member of the AN-SSSR. 1970–1975 he was director of the Institute for Metallurgy.

At the beginning of his scientific career Agejew investigated problems of the thermal expansion of steel , the lamellar structure of pearlite and the diffusion of impurities in steel. He later studied the structures of alloys and intermetallic phases using X-ray methods . He analyzed the type of chemical bond in alloys and their phases using the electron density .


Individual evidence

  1. Article Agejew Nikolai Vladimirovich in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D037448~2a%3DAgejew%20Nikolai%20Vladimirowitsch~2b%3DAgejew%20Nikolai%20Vladimirowitsch
  2. a b c d Archiwy RAN: Агеев Николай Владимирович (accessed on March 28, 2017).
  3. Академику Н. В. Агееву - 80 лет . In: Вестник АН СССР . No. 10 , 1983, p. 136 .
  4. А. И. Добкин, М. Ю. Сорокина: Исторический сборник памяти Ф. Ф. Перченка . Феникс, Athenium, Moscow, St. Petersburg 1995.
  5. Список репрессированных членов АН СССР (accessed on March 28, 2017).