Ivan Nechuj-Levyzkyj

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Ivan Nechuj-Levyzkyj
Ivan Levyzkyj during his studies at the Kiev Theological Academy
Portrait of Ivan Levyzkyj

Ivan Semenowytsch Netschuj-Lewyzkyj ( Ukrainian Іван Семенович Нечуй-Левицький Ivan Semenovyč Nečuj- Levyckyj ; born November 13 . Jul / 25. November  1838 greg. In Stebljow , Kiev Governorate , Russian Empire ; † April 2 jul. / April 15  1918 greg. In Kiev , Ukrainian People's Republic ) was a Ukrainian writer , translator and teacher .


Ivan Nechuj-Levyzkyj was born into a family of a priestly dynasty. His father organized a school for peasant children at his own expense and taught his son to read and write there. At the age of seven he went to the intellectual college where his uncle taught. There he learned Latin, Greek and Church Slavonic and had successfully completed them. At the age of 14 he came to the Kiev Spiritual College, which he finished in 1859. During his apprenticeship he admired the works of Taras Shevchenko , Alexander Pushkin and Nikolai Gogol . After finishing the seminar, he was sick for a whole year. Later he worked at the intellectual technical school as a teacher and taught Church Slavonic, mathematics and geography. In 1861 he began his studies in the Kiev Academy of Humanities. He was very dissatisfied with the level of the lessons and began self-study: he learned French and German, read Russian and Ukrainian classics, works by European writers such as Dante , Cervantes and Lesage, and was interested in the works of progressive philosophers of his time.

In 1865 he got his master's degree at the academy and at the same time rejected the career of a priest. He began teaching Russian language, literature, history and geography at the Poltawer Geistesseminarium (1865-1866), in the high school of the city of Kalisch (1866-1867) and later Siedlce (1867-1872). From 1873 he taught Russian literature at the Kischinau boys' grammar school. There he led a group of progressive teachers who discussed national and social problems during secret meetings. At the same time he propagated Ukrainian literature in Chisinau and came under the surveillance of the gendarmerie . In 1885 he retired and returned to Kiev, where he began his writing.

During the difficult years of World War I and the October Revolution , the writer was forced to live in poverty and struggle to survive. He received no literary fees, lived in a cold house, and very often went hungry. Ivan Nechuj-Levyzkyj lived alone - he had no family and his followers turned away from him. The writer stood in long lines to get bread or kerosene. Eventually he fell ill and was taken to a poor house, where he died on April 2, 1918. He was buried in the Baikowe cemetery in Kiev .

His literary career

Nechuj-Levyzkyj wrote over 50 works in his life. Among them are short stories, comedies, historical dramas, and theater reviews. He also carried out linguistic, educational, and literary critical research. Ivan Netschuj- Levyzkyj wrote his first work Dvi moskovky in 1866 at the age of 28. Levyzkyj was very often in Lviv , where he had his short stories printed in the magazine “Pravda” under the pseudonym Nechuj. He wanted to hide his identity so that his old, sick father would not know about his son's literary activity. He feared that worries about his fate would make him even more sick. His father died without finding out that his son was a writer.

In 1868 the novellas Dvi moskovky and Pryčepa and the story Rybalka Panas Krut ' were published in this magazine . In these, as in his other works, he addressed the Russification in the politics of the Tsarist Empire. His heyday was in the 1870s and early 1880s, when his best and most famous works appeared. These include: Kajdaševa sim'ja (1878), Burlačka (1876) - here he wrote about working-class life , Mykola Džerja (1874), Blahoslovit 'babi ckoropostyžno vmerty , Ne možna babi Parasci vderžatys' na seli (1874), the great one Novella Chmary (1878) and the historical research Ukrajins'kyj het'man Bohdan Chmel'nyc'kyj i kozaččyna . On his return to Kiev, he wrote a number of new stories, such as Propašči (1886). In 1906 he wrote an article on the 45th year of Taras Ševčenko's death in the magazine “Šeršen '”. He also dealt with the standard Ukrainian language and spelling and dedicated two large works to these topics: Kryve dzerkalo ukraijns'koi movy (1912) and S'ohočasna časnopysna mova na Ukraijni (1907). Later, in 1914 and 1915, he published two books on the subjects mentioned. The first book was called Etymologie (Etymolohija) and contained phonetics and morphology in itself. In his second book he dealt with the simple and compound sentences, accordingly he called the book Syntax (Syntaksys) .


Novellas and fairy tales

  • Рибалка Панас Круть - Rybalka Panas Krut '(1868)
  • Причепа - Pryčepa (1869)
  • Двімосковки - Dvi moskovky (1969)
  • Неможно бабі Парасці вдержатись на селі - Ne možna babi Parasci vderžatys' na seli (1874)
  • Благославіть бабі скоропостижно вмерти - Blahoslovit 'babi ckoropostyžno vmerty (1875)
  • Хмари - Chmary (1875)
  • Бурлачка - Burlačka (1876)
  • Микола Джеря - Mykola Džerja (1878)
  • Кайдашева сім'я - Kajdaševa sim'ja (1879)
  • Два брати - Dva braty (1885)
  • Афонський пройдисвіт - Afons'kyj projdysvit (1890)


  • Маруся Богуславка - Marusja Bohuslavka (1875)
  • На кожум'яках - Na kožum'jakach (1875)
  • Старо-світьскі батюшку та матушку - Staro-svits'ki batjušky ta matušky (1885)

Historical novels

  • Гетьман Иван Віговський - Het'man Ivan Vihovs'kyj (1899)
  • Український гетьман Богдан Хмельницький і козаччина - Ukrajins'kyj het'man Bohdan Chmel'nyc'kyj i kozaččyna

Additional information

At high school he was highly valued as a teacher. This led to higher ranks and two orders : the Order of Saint Stanislaus of the second degree and the Order of Saint Anne, also of the second degree.

The writer's literary museum was opened in Stebliw in 1960.

The famous Russian film Za dvumja zajcami was made into a film based on the motifs of the comedy Ivan Netschuj-Levyzkyjs Na kožum'jakach. In 1928 an exhibition was organized in Kiev in his honor.

On November 6, 2018, the National Bank of Ukraine issued a 2 hryvnia silver coin to commemorate the 100th anniversary of his death .


  • Ivan Nechuj-Levyzkyj. In: Encyclopædia Britannica . Retrieved April 25, 2018 .
  • Iван Нечуй-Левицький: Свiтоглядукраїнського народу. Ескiз української мiфологii. Акцiонер не товариство Обереги, Kiev 1992.
  • М. У. Походзiло: IванНечуй-Левицький. Литературний портрет. Derzhavne vydavnytstvo khudozhnʹoyi literatury, Kiev 1960.
  • I. С. Нечуй-Левицький: Вибранi твори. Derzhavne vydavnytstvo khudozhnʹoyi literatury, Kiev 1960.
  • Б. С. Буряк: Iсторiя української літератури. Volume 8: Література післявоенного часу (1946–1967). Naukova dumka, Kiev 1971, p. 377.
  • В. Г. Дончика: Історія української літератури ХХ століття. У двох книгах, Друга половина ХХ століття. Пiдручник, Lybid, Kiev 1998, ISBN 966-06-0026-7 , pp. 222, 228.
  • В. Г. Дончика: Історія української літератури ХХ століття. У двох книгах, Книга перша (1910-1930-ті роки). Lybid, Kiev 1993, pp. 25-27, 70, 123, 311.
  • В. Г. Дончика: Історія української літератури ХХ століття. У двох книгах, Книга друга, частина перша. Lybid, Kiev 1994, pp. 194, 340.
  • О. А. Росінська: Українська література. Сучасний довідник школяра і студента. Bao, Donetsk 2009, pp. 173-175.

Web links

Wikisource: IvanNechuj-Levyzkyj  - Sources and full texts (Ukrainian)
Commons : Iwan Nechuj-Levyzkyj  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Иван Нечуй-Левицкий: lichnosti.net , July 8, 2013.
  2. Іван семенович Нечуй-Левицький. Некролог // Нова Рада: газета. - Київ, 1918. - № 48. - 3 квітня (21 березня). - С. 1.
  3. a b c Нечуй-Левицкий Иван Семенович: spadshina.com , July 8, 2013.
  4. Росінська, О.А .: Українська література. Сучасний довідник школяра і студента. Донецьк, Бао 2009, 173–175 с.
  5. Short biography Ivan Netschuj-Lewyzkyj on the Kiev necropolis , accessed on July 30, 2016.
  6. Иван Нечуй-Левицкий. Жизненный путь писателя , July 8, 2013.
  7. Нечуй-Левицкий Иван Семенович, Биография , July 8, 2013.
  8. Commemorative coins of Ukraine on the website of the National Bank of Ukraine; accessed on March 13, 2019