Ivan Panteleevich Mosgovenko

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Ivan Mosgowenko (2019)

Ivan Pantelejewitsch Mosgowenko ( Russian Иван Пантелеевич Мозговенко , English Ivan Panteleyevich Mozgovenko13 February 1924 in Jaschalta ; † 31 December 2021 in Moscow ) was a Soviet and Russian clarinetist and music teacher , who at the Gnessin Institute in Moscow taught the clarinet, from 1980 with the title of professor. He received for his participation as a soldier in World War IIand numerous medals and honorary titles for his later artistic achievements, including the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation in 1995 .


Mosgovenko was born in Yashalta, Stepnowsky District, Rostov Region . In 1931 the family was expropriated and exiled to the Urals in the Nizhny Tagil region . From 1939 he studied at the Tchaikovsky Music College in Sverdlovsk in the clarinet class. From 1943 he took part in the Second World War as a member of the 10th Guards Panzer Division . He served in a medical unit and reached Berlin in 1945 .

In 1946 he continued his training as a clarinetist at the Gnessin Institute with Alexander Leonidowitsch Schtark (graduation in 1951, graduation from graduate school in 1954). In 1951 he won first prize at an international competition in Berlin and has since worked as a soloist and chamber musician, including with the Borodin Quartet . From 1953 to 1968 Mosgovenko was principal clarinet with the Russian State Symphony Orchestra for Cinematography . In collaboration with the Borodin Quartet and other chamber ensembles, Mosgovenko recorded works by Mozart , Brahms , Prokofiev and several contemporary composers. He also made recordings for the radio.

Mosgovenko has given concerts with Russian ensembles such as the Prokofiev Quartet, the Beethoven Quartet, the Komitas Quartet and the Glinka Quartet, as well as with numerous artists such as Swjatoslaw Richter , Sergei Prokofjew , Maria Yudina , Van Cliburn and Mstislaw Rostropovich . He worked with conductors such as Yevgeny Svetlanov , Kirill Kondrashin , Alexander Gauk , Leonard Bernstein , Juri Temirkanow , Vladimir Fedoseyev and Gennady Roschdestvensky .

In addition to his concert activities, Mosgovenko taught at the Gnessin Institute from 1951, and since 1966 as an associate professor. In 1980 he was awarded the title of professor. His students include important clarinetists and award winners of international competitions. Mosgowenko was also the author of a number of textbooks and transcriptions for clarinet.


When Mosgowenko began to play the clarinet, the German fingering system dominated in the USSR for the clarinet . From 1958 the conversion to the Böhm system took place (including the Reform Böhm system , which came closer to the familiar German sound until the 1980s), which Mosgowenko was unable to avoid. In 1964 he changed and from then on he played instruments from Buffet Crampon for many years .


During his lifetime, Mosgovenko was regarded as a living legend in Russia and was considered the father of the current generation of clarinetists. Numerous professors and music award winners emerged from his school. In a tribute to his 95th birthday it is reported that he sees himself as the “creative grandson” of the founder of the Russian clarinet school Sergej Sobnow, who in Russia is considered to be the successor to the founder of the clarinet school in Germany Carl Baermann .

On his 90th birthday, Mosgowenko performed again. Since 2019, an international clarinet competition named after Mosgowenko has been held annually in Moscow on the occasion of his birthday on February 13th.

Discography (selection)

  • Mozart : Clarinet Quintet KV 584 with the Borodin Quartet , with whom he worked from 1951 to 1976. The recording was made in 1961. You can clearly hear from the sound and the way of playing that the artist played a German clarinet at the time and was committed to the German tradition of clarinet playing.
  • Sergei Prokofiev : Overture on Hebrew Themes, op.34 , with Swjatoslaw Richter (piano), in: Sviatoslav Richter - Plays Rakhmaninov & Prokofiev , 11 CDs, CD No. 11/1, recorded in 1961
  • Sergei Prokofjew: Quintet Op.39 for oboe, clarinet, violin, viola and double bass


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Announcement of death
  2. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 4, 1995 No. 812: On the Award of Honorary Titles of the Russian Federation. Retrieved February 15, 2021 (Russian; awarded to Ivan Mozgovenko, among others).
  3. Music with a war break ( ru ) In: Culture № 18-19 (7426) 13. − 19. May 2004 . Archived from the original on August 4, 2012. Retrieved February 15, 2021.
  4. a b (ru) Encyclopedia of the Clarinet under No. 340 , accessed on February 15, 2021
  5. a b c (ru) Two-time volunteer Ivan Mozgovenko , English article: Two-Time Volunteer Fighter Ivan Mozgovenko , accessed on February 15, 2021
  6. (ru) Elizaveta Grishanova (9 February 2019) Living legend of the national clarinet school: Ivan Mozgowenko will be 95 years old , accessed on February 15, 2021.
  7. (ru) Mosgowenko Competition , accessed February 15, 2021.
  8. Mosgowenko, Mozart quintet , accessed on February 20, 2021
  9. Mosgovenko, Brahms Quintet
  10. OCLC 981897726
  11. Sviatoslav Richter plays Rakhmaninov & Prokofiev
  12. Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 4 августа 1995 года № 812 «О присвоении почетных званий Российской Федерации" , kremlin.ru (Russian)
  13. Юбилейная награда Ивана Мозговенко , pamyat-naroda.su (Russian)
  14. a b c d e f Мозговенко Иван Пантелеевич , 1418museum.ru (Russian)