Jürgen Andrees

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Jürgen Andrees in Wangelin (2015)

Jürgen Gerhard Friedrich Andrees (born January 28, 1935 in Plau am See ) is a German industrial engineer and politician.


Andrees is the son of a master painter. The painter and object artist Gerhard Andrées is his younger brother. After graduating from high school in Parchim in 1954, Jürgen Andrées entered the service of the Deutsche Reichsbahn as a candidate for the senior administrative service (A service) . In 1960 he took up a distance learning course at the "Friedrich List" College of Transport in Dresden, which he graduated in 1966 with a degree in engineering and was promoted to chief inspector of the Reichsbahn on October 1, 1966 . From 1967 to 1969 he completed postgraduate studies at the University of Rostock on the application of mathematics in economics . Until 1966 he worked in the freight transport department at the Reich Railway Directorate in Schwerin . He then worked as a programmer and problem analyst in the lead center for application research of the Association of Nationally Owned Enterprises Maschinelles Rechnen and VEB Maschinelles Rechnen Schwerin. On January 21, 1976, he was appointed lecturer in the area of ​​VVB Machine Computing in the field of standardized systems for electronic computing . Until 1995 he was a member of the supervisory board of the data processing center in Schwerin. The father of two adult children has been living with his retired wife in his hometown Plau am See since 1998. The daughter, Christiane Hochbaum, b. Andrees, works as a painter, VHS lecturer and freelance restorer in Berlin. The son, Jörg Uwe Andrees, is a music teacher and department head at the Schwerin Conservatory and lecturer at the HMT in Rostock.


Andrees was a church elder in the parish church of St. Marien (Plau am See) for several years .


Andrees joined the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (GDR) in 1981 . Since the German reunification he has been a member of the all-German CDU. In the first district election in the Lübz district on June 6, 1990, he received the confidence of the voters and was sworn in as district administrator . He held this office until the Lübz district was dissolved on June 12, 1994. From 1990 to 1995 Andrees was a member of the board of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania district council . For the CDU, Andrees was a member of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state parliament from 1994 to 1998, where he was deputy chairman of the CDU parliamentary group, member of the environmental committee, the economic committee and transport policy spokesman. From 1999 to 2009 he was a member of the Parchim district council and, as such, chairman of the audit committee and, in parallel, also chairman or deputy chairman of the supervisory board of Reiseienst Parchim GmbH.

Beyond state politics, he was involved from 1999 to 2004 as a member of the city council and chairman of the finance committee in local politics in his hometown Plau am See. To mark his departure from active local politics, Andrees was allowed to enter himself as a special award on July 7, 2004 in the city ​​of Plau am See's Golden Book .


With his colleagues Gert Schultz from the Müritz district and Christian Beckmann from the Güstrow district , he agreed on the financial security of the Nossentiner / Schwinzer Heide nature reserve . Each district contributed 30,000 German marks annually .

With Plaus Mayor Axel Tohtz, he made it possible for Rüdiger Hurrle to build the specialist hospital and rehabilitation center in Quetzin. Due to the natural law sensitive situation on the Plauer See, the private sector sponsorship and the discussion about the (necessary) closure of the hospitals in Plau and Lübz, the local political enforcement was difficult; but by far the most important new clinic in southern Mecklenburg was built.


  • Jürgen Andrees , in: Katrin Misera: Profiles from the Parchim district. Vol. 2nd edition Profile, Raben Steinfeld 1999, ISBN 3-932746-07-4 , p. 17.
  • Walter Kintzel: From the history of the social democrats in the small Mecklenburg town of Lübz , Vol. 2: From the SDP to the SPD . Self-published, Slate 2006, pp. 17, 52 and 53.
  • State Parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Manual. 2nd parliamentary term 1994–1998. Neue Darmstädter Verlags-Anstalt, Rheinbreitbach 1995, ISBN 3-87576-340-8 , p. 13.

Web links

Commons : Jürgen Andrees  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Plauer Zeitung of February 17, 2010: Jürgen Andrees 75 years.
  2. Plauer Zeitung of April 12, 2000, p. 22, "It was a time of upheaval and change"
  3. www.hochbaum.artists.de
  4. Jörg Uwe Andrees (hmt Rostock)
  5. ^ Memories of the end of the war in Plau in 1945 (interview with Jürgen Andrees). Plauer Zeitung, vol. 119, August 19, 2015
  6. 2nd State Parliament Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Handbook, 2nd electoral period, p. 13
  7. DER KREISTAG, Parchim district, February 2005, pp. 3 and 25.
  8. Golden Book of the City of Plau am See, July 7, 2004