Jürgen Bier

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Jürgen Bier (born September 16, 1943 in Detmold ; † December 12, 2007 in Berlin ) was a German oral and maxillofacial surgeon and university professor in Aachen and Berlin.


The grandson of the surgeon August Bier graduated from the Hermann Lietz School at Schloss Bieberstein and Spiekeroog , where he graduated from high school in 1965. Jürgen Bier then studied medicine and dentistry at the Georg-August University in Göttingen. In the summer semester of 1965 he became a member of the Corps Saxonia Göttingen . He was promoted to Dr. med. and to the Dr. med. dent. PhD . In 1973/74 he was a doctor in Barbados . This was followed by specialist training and habilitation in maxillofacial surgery and facial plastic surgery at the Free University of Berlin . From 1980 to 1983 he was Professor of Comparative Medicine at Utah State University . He also ran a practice in Berlin. Until 1989 he was professor for oral surgery oncology at the RWTH Aachen . He then became a full professor at the Charité's Virchow Clinic and was director of the Facial Plastic Surgery Clinic.

With his second wife Angelika Bier geb. In 2005, Kuntz founded the Jona Foundation in Berlin to care for socially disadvantaged children and young people on the basis of Christian belief and practiced Christian love for one's neighbor. Bier was a legal knight of the Order of St. John . He died of esophageal cancer . The memorial service took place in the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church with great sympathy from the Berlin medical community and the population . He left behind his wife, son and daughter.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1971, 45/983
  2. tak: Charité Professor Jürgen Bier has died. In: welt.de . December 17, 2007, accessed October 7, 2018 .
  3. Wolfgang von der Groeben : Directory of the members of the Corps Saxonia Göttingen 1844 to 2006 . Düsseldorf 2006