Jürgen Nendza

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Jürgen Nendza (born July 28, 1957 in Essen ) is a German writer.


After graduating from high school , Jürgen Nendza studied German and philosophy , which he completed in 1991 with a doctorate at RWTH Aachen University . He writes poetry , prose , radio plays , radio features and radio stories for children. In 1992 he made his debut with the volume of poetry Glaszeit , further poems and essays were published in numerous anthologies and magazines . In 2005, Nendza and Eduard Hoffmann published the book Despised, Banned and Celebrated. On the history of women's football in Germany and in 2014, together with Hajo Steinert, the lyric anthology Stadtlandfluss .

The French conductor, composer and musicologist Patrick Otto set two individual poems by Jürgen Nendza as well as his cycle of poems Apple and Amsel . This orchestral work for soprano, mixed choir, chamber orchestra and wind quintet was premiered in Reims (F) in January 2018. The German premiere took place in Aachen in July 2018.

Nendza's poetry goes far beyond pure natural poetry . His poems also contain human perceptions, sensations and memories that are woven into the natural interior. The Süddeutsche Zeitung counts Nendza "one of the most interesting poets of his generation."

In addition to his work as a writer, Jürgen Nendza teaches literature and philosophy at the Gymnasium in Würselen and at the Couven-Gymnasium in Aachen.

Jürgen Nendza is a member of the PEN Center Germany . He lives in Aachen.

Single track

  • We'll meet in the apple. Poems. Selection and epilogue by Michael Braun. Publisher Ulrich Keicher. Warmbronn 2018.
  • Picnic . Poems. poetenladen Verlag, Leipzig 2017, ISBN 978-3-940691-84-2 .
  • Mikado guests . Poems from 20 years . Afterword by Jürgen Egyptien. poetenladen Verlag, Leipzig 2015.
  • Zomer also in de laatste appels . Poems. Azulpress, Maastricht / Amsterdam 2015.
  • Во некои денови / On Some Days / On Some Days . Macedonian, English and German. Edition EvaTas, Skopje 2014.
  • Apple and blackbird . Poems, poetenladen Verlag, Leipzig 2012. ISBN 978-3-940691-58-3 .
  • Vlieggeluid / flight tones . Selected poems. Dutch-German. Translated from the German by Ard Posthuma. Afterword by Alexander von Bormann. 2008.
  • The Chance of the Meadow . Selected poems. English German. From the German by Richard Martin. 2007/2009.
  • The rotation of the hummingbird . Poems. Landpresse Verlag, Weilerswist 2008.
  • Skin and serpentine . Poems, Verlag Ralf Liebe, Weilerswist 2004. ISBN 3-935221-35-5 .
  • Another night . Narrative. Landpresse publishing house, Weilerswist 2002.
  • The little woman Marie . Stories for children. Horlemann Verlag, Bad Honnef 2000.
  • and at the end of the sentence the white . Poems. Rimbaud Verlag, Aachen 1999; Landpresse Verlag, Weilerswist 2004.
  • Landscape with dial tone . Poems. Landpresse Verlag, Weilerswist 1996.
  • Finistère . Poems. Atelier Verlag, Andernach 1993.
  • Glass time . Poems. Atelier Verlag, Andernach 1992.


  • Laughed, forbidden and celebrated . On the history of women's football in Germany. With Eduard Hoffmann. Verlag Ralf Liebe, Weilerswist 2005.
  • From the play emperor to Berti's boys. Documentation. With Eduard Hoffmann. Landpresse Verlag, Weilerswist 1999.


  • City country river . 111 poets from North Rhine-Westphalia. An anthology of poetry . With Hajo Steinert. Afterword by Ulla Hahn. Lilienfeld Verlag, Düsseldorf 2014.

Anthologies (selection)

  • Karl Otto Conrady (ed.): The great Conrady . The book of German poems. From the beginning to the present (2008).
  • Axel Kutsch (Ed.): Versnetze . The big book of new German poetry , Verlag Ralf Liebe, Weilerswist 2011.
  • Shafiq Naz (Hrsg.): The German poetry calendar 2008. Every day a poem , alhambra publishing, B-Bertem 2007.
  • Christoph Buchwald (Ed.): Yearbook of Poetry (2004).
  • Manfred Enzensperger (Ed.): The Hölderlin ants. Finding and inventing poetry (2004).
  • Theo Breuer (Ed.): NordWestSüdOst. Poems by contemporaries , Edition YE, Sistig / Eifel 2003.

Sound carrier

  • Apple and blackbird - Merle et Pomme . Jürgen Nendza / Patrick Otto / Agnes Lipka. Poetry setting for soprano, mixed choir, chamber orchestra and wind quintet. Label: Jazzsick Records 7004 JSA 2018.



  • Wilfried Barner (ed.): History of German literature from 1945 to the present . CHBeck Verlag, Munich 2006.
  • Theo Breuer: Vogelsang in the hinterland . In: From the hinterland. Poetry after 2000 . Edition YE, Sistig / Eifel 2005.
  • Killy literary dictionary . Walter de Gruyter Publishing House. Berlin / New York. 2010. Vol. 8, Marq-Or.
  • Henning Ziebritzki : The panoramas of the moment. Laudation for Jürgen Nendza . Sinn und Form, Volume 4, Akademie der Künste, Berlin 2019, pages 561–567.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Henning Heske : "Die Limpern" by Jürgen Nendza . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , August 14, 2013. Retrieved October 8, 2015.
  2. Lothar Müller : In the world wood box . In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , August 21, 2015. Retrieved October 8, 2015.