Jürgen Vahlberg

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Jürgen Vahlberg (2011)

Jürgen Vahlberg (born February 12, 1939 in Braunschweig ) is a German entrepreneur and politician .


After a typesetter teaching and his military service Vahlberg 1967 gained on the second chance the university . He studied sociology , business administration and economics at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich , from which he graduated with a diploma. He then worked at the “Institute for Process Computing Technology” at the Technical University of Munich , where he was in charge of the “Microelectronics Innovation Research” project. Until 1985 he was managing director of Softing GmbH, a company for process computing technology and applied information processing, which he co-founded in 1979, also at the Dresden film studio of a company for animation and documentary film (DREFA GmbH) and at the TV Academy Central Germany (FAM).

Jürgen Vahlberg is married and has one son.

Political activity

Vahlberg was a member of the German Bundestag from 1972 to 1976 and from 1983 to 1990 . In the federal election in 1972 he was elected for the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) through a direct mandate in Bavaria in the Munich-East constituency. In 1983 and 1987 he entered the Bundestag via the Bavarian State List .

Vahlberg joined the SPD as early as 1965. He became a member of the Presidium and Treasurer of the Bavarian SPD. Vahlberg was federal chairman of the working group of the self-employed in the SPD , treasurer of Eurosolar and finally marketing director of Euronews .


  • Karl Heinz Beckurts, Jürgen Vahlberg: The technological development in the Federal Republic and the further possibilities. Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Bonn 1985, DNB 860404587 .

Web links

Commons : Jürgen Vahlberg  - Collection of Images
  • Life data in the archive of social democracy.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Jürgen Vahlberg . Media Club Munich. Retrieved June 12, 2017.