Jacques-Émile Blanche

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Jacques-Émile Blanche portraying Marie de Heredia, 1893

Jacques-Émile Blanche (born February 1, 1861 in Paris , † September 30, 1942 in Offranville , Haute-Normandie ) was a French painter.


Marcel Proust in 1892

Jacques-Émile Blanche was the son of an important Parisian neurologist and grew up in the Villa de Lamballe, named after Marie-Louise of Savoy-Carignan , in Passy . Blanche received lessons from private tutors and tutors and was a student at the Lycée Condorcet in Paris , with Stéphane Mallarmé as an English teacher and Henri Bergson as a classmate. In addition, he received painting and drawing lessons from the painter Henri Gervex , but is considered more of an autodidact in the field of painting. Édouard Manet , Henri Fantin-Latour and Edgar Degas were friends of the family.

In the 1880s he traveled regularly to London , where he made the acquaintance of artists such as Aubrey Beardsley , James McNeill Whistler , Walter Sickert and Oscar Wilde , and was a member of the New English Art Club .

Jacques-Emile Blanche: Charles Conder, 1904

Blache was a regular visitor to Geneviève Strauss's salon , where Edgar Degas , Marcel Proust , whom he met there and later portrayed, Georges de Porto-Riche and Paul Bourget frequented. From the 1890s onwards, Blanch had an excellent reputation as a portrait painter for the European high and money nobility . From 1903 he taught at the Académie Vitti . Many artists such as André Gide (1912), René Crevel , Mary Cassatt , Jean Cocteau (1912), Igor Fyodorowitsch Stravinsky and Paul Morand were portrayed by Blanche over the years.

Blache maintained an extensive correspondence with writers and artists of his time. After the First World War he distinguished himself as an author of art literature and was elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 1935 .

Exhibitions (selection)


  • Correspondance 1916-1942. Avec François Mauriac . Etablie, présentée, annotée par Georges-Paul Collet. Grasset, Paris 1976.
  • Correspondance 1892–1939 with André Gide . Etablie, présentée et annotée par Georges-Paul Collet. Gallimard, coll. (Cahiers André Gide. 8th) Paris 1979.
  • Nouvelles lettres à André Gide (1891–1925). Texts recueillis, établis et présentés by Georges-Paul Collet. Droz, Geneva 1982.
  • Correspondance 1901–1939 with Maurice Denis . Établie, présentée, annotée par Georges-Paul Collet. Droz, Geneva 1989.
  • Correspondance 1912–1939 with Jean Cocteau . Établie et présentée by Maryse Renault-Garneau. La Table ronde, Paris 1993.


  • Georges-Paul Collet: Jacques-Emile Blanche: le peintre-écrivain , Bartillat (2006) ISBN 2-84100-385-X

Web links

Commons : Jacques-Émile Blanche  - Collection of images, videos and audio files