Jake Eberts

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Jake Eberts (born July 10, 1941 in Montreal , Québec as John David Eberts ; † September 6, 2012 ) was a Canadian film producer .


In the course of his career, Eberts has produced and financed more than 50 productions, which have received a total of 37 Oscars in various categories.

Eberts studied at Harvard Business School and worked as a chemical engineer before becoming an investment banker. Finally he turned to the film business.

At the beginning of the 1980s he made his first appearance as an executive producer. In the late 1970s, he founded the production company Goldcrest Films. Films such as Gandhi and The Hour of the Winner were produced under their umbrella . Eberts was personally involved in such successes as Dances with Wolf (1990) and Chicken Run - Hennen rennen (2000).

In 1987 Eberts received the Special Award at the Evening Standard British Film Awards .

Eberts was married; he left a wife and several children.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ William Yardley: Jake Eberts, Accidental Film Producer of Oscar Winners, Dies at 71. In: The New York Times . September 12, 2012, accessed September 19, 2012 .