Yakov Petrovich Schachowskoi

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Yakov Petrovich Schachowskoi

Jakow Petrowitsch Schachowskoi ( Russian Яков Петрович Шаховской ; * 8 October July / 19 October  1705 greg .; † 23 July July / 3 August  1777 greg. ) Was a Russian officer, civil servant and politician .


Schachowskoi came from the old princely family Schachowskoi . His father died a few months after he was born. His mother then married twice more. At the age of 9 he came to his uncle Alexei Ivanovich Schachowskoi for further education.

Schachowskoi became a soldier in the Semjonowski bodyguard regiment in 1720 . In 1725 he became a lieutenant under Peter II. Captain and in 1730 he switched to the cavalry .

When his uncle Alexei Shachowskoi became governor of Little Russia in December 1731 , Shachowskoi served with his uncle. Schachowskoi often reported personally on Ukrainian affairs to Empress Anna and Duke Biron , who valued him very much because of his expertise. After the death of his uncle in 1737, Schachowskoi took part in the Russo-Austrian Turkish War (1736–1739) and fought under Burkhard Christoph von Münnich in the battles at Otschakiv and Chotyn .

During the reign of Biro and the brief reign of Anna Leopoldowna , Shachowskoi was a senator and police chief . In 1740 he succeeded Vasily Fyodorovich Saltykows as governor of the St. Petersburg governorate . After Elisabeth took office and many of his previous patrons were arrested, Schachowskoi lost his offices. Thanks to the support of Nikita Jurjewitsch Trubezkois , Schachowski was appointed chief procuror of the Holy Synod in 1742, succeeding Nikita Semjonowitsch Kretschetnikows . There he earned the reputation of a discerning, conscientious official. Dissatisfied representatives of the clergy demanded his recall in vain. He received the Alexander Nevsky Order and the Order of Saint Anne . In 1753 he was appointed to the Privy Council (3rd class ).

At the end of May 1753, Schachowskoi became General War Commissioner as successor to Alexander Borissowitsch Buturlin , while Afanassi Ivanovich Lwow was the chief procurator of the Holy Synod. During the Seven Years' War , Shachowskoi administered state spending. In August 1760 he became General Procuror of the Senate as successor to Trubezkois. Peter III dismissed him immediately after taking office and made Alexander Ivanovich Glebow General Procuror and General War Commissioner. Catherine II brought Schachowskoi back and appointed him senator. On the day of her coronation he received the Order of St. Andrew the First Called .

In April 1766 Schachowskoi resigned from the service for health reasons and settled in Moscow . His autobiographical notes were published in 1810.

Schwachowskoi was married twice. His daughter Anna from his first marriage married Prince FA Golitsyn (brother of Dmitri Alexejewitsch Golitsyn ). His son Alexei from his second marriage was chamberlain (4th class).

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Шаховской (князь Яков Петрович) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape XXXIX , 1903, p. 227 ( Wikisource [accessed August 19, 2019]).
  2. a b c d 250 лет назад прокурором России был назначен князь Яков Петрович Шаховской (accessed August 19, 2019).
  3. a b c Chronos: Шаховской Яков Петрович (accessed August 19, 2019).
  4. Christian Gottlieb Seiffart: Kurtz-gefaßte historical messages on behalf of the new European events, Volume 33 . Regensburg.
  5. Записки кн. Я. П. Шаховского, писанные им самим . 2nd Edition. St. Petersburg 1821 ( [1] [PDF; accessed August 19, 2019]).