Jakow Israilewitsch Sak

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Yakov Israilevich Sak ( Russian Яков Израилевич Зак ., Scientific transliteration Jakov Zak Izrailevič ; born November 7, jul. / 20th November  1913 greg. In Odessa ; †  28. June 1976 in Moscow ) was a Soviet pianist and piano teacher of Jewish origin.


Sak studied at the Conservatory of his hometown with Marija Starkowa and later with Heinrich Neuhaus at the Moscow Conservatory . Due to Neuhaus' serious illness, Jakow Sak also took a few lessons with Konstantin Igumnow in the academic year 1933/1934 .

Jakow Sak 1937

His debut took place in 1935, the same year he won the 2nd prize in the important 2nd All-Union Competition of the USSR, which won greats such as Richter , Gilels , Kehrer and others. His international breakthrough helped him win the 3rd International Chopin Competition in Warsaw, where he also received the special prize for the best interpretation of a mazurka. From 1935 on, Sak taught at the Moscow Conservatory, where he became a full professor in 1947. His students include important pianists such as Nikolai Petrow , Valeri Afanassjew , Alexei Kornienko , Evgeny Mogilevsky and Elisso Wirsaladze . In 1966, Yakov Sak was honored as a People's Artist of the USSR .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. biography on: bigenc.ru (Russian)