Wilhelm Cranes

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Wilhelm Krane (born June 25, 1902 in Dortmund , † August 4, 1979 in Bad Bramstedt ) was a German doctor and medical officer . He was most recently head of the military medical office in the rank of general physician , previously from April 1, 1960 to March 31, 1962 general physician for medical forces / stage manager medical services for the army in the troop office (today: army office ).


Wilhelm Krane was born as the son of the Reichsbahn official Heinrich Adolf Friedrich Wilhelm Krane and his wife Carolina Luisa, née Hueck. He had a younger twin brother, Karl Krane. In 1918 he volunteered for the war, falsifying his actual year of birth as an alleged 18-year-old, and experienced the last months of the war on the Western Front . After the war, he continued to attend high school continued and finished the school year successfully, only to then one of those days in some months Ruhr active paramilitary volunteer corps to join actively against the socialization movement in the Ruhr area were fighting. He then continued attending school and successfully graduated from high school in 1922. After studying chemistry, he switched to medicine because of the poor career prospects in the face of hyperinflation in 1922-23 . In March 1927 he passed the medical state examination and a few weeks later he received his doctorate. med. After temporarily working at the Physiological Institute of the University of Münster, Wilhelm Krane received a scheduled assistant position at the University Women's Clinic in Münster in May 1928.

1930 to 1939

On January 1, 1930, he joined the 17th Infantry Regiment in Celle . From there he came to Medical Department 1 in East Prussia, where he worked in the women's ward of the on-site hospital in Königsberg and as a troop doctor . During this time he also worked scientifically at the University Children's Hospital in Königsberg. After two years he became regimental doctor with the 9th Cavalry Regiment in Fürstenwalde / Spree and later adjutant of the military area doctor  III, general doctor Karl Kersting , in Berlin .

In the period from July 1932 to December 1934, Krane was a part-time volunteer assistant at Karl Martin's private surgical and gynecological clinic. He continued his specialist training in gynecology and obstetrics , which he had begun before joining the Reichswehr , at the University Women's Clinic in Munich , where he completed his habilitation in 1937. In 1938 he became a private lecturer at the University of Leipzig .

Second World War

At the beginning of the war in 1939 he took over the leadership of the 2nd medical company of the 14th Infantry Division and took part in the attack on Poland . During the western campaign in 1940 he was I A with the Army doctor of the 16th Army , General Doctor Alexander Remus . In the autumn of 1940 he became the commander of the medical replacement department 13 in Bad Kissingen and in 1941 he was transferred as a commander to the medical replacement department 11 in Bückeburg . In 1942 he became a division doctor of the 2nd Panzer Division in Russia and, at the end of 1943, chief of staff and deputy to Army Group Doctor Center , General Staff Doctor Clemens Jaeckel . In addition, he became an associate professor at Leipzig University in 1943 . When the war ended he got the rank of colonel doctor in Schleswig-Holstein in British captivity .

Post-war years

As a British prisoner of war, he was ordered to be the military director of the Bad Bramstedt reserve hospital in order to restore this facility to its original civilian use as a spa for the treatment of rheumatic diseases. In this role he was finally released from British captivity and continued his medical and organizational duties as a senior physician . When the proportion of medical tasks in relation to the spa business became less and less important, he went into business for himself as a gynecologist and built a private gynecological clinic with over 70 beds at peak times in the immediate vicinity of the Bad Bramstedt spa facility. In 1958 he joined the German Armed Forces and initially continued to work in his clinic on the weekends. In 1959 the clinic was closed and converted into a spa pension.

Activities in the Bundeswehr

On March 1, 1958, Wilhelm Krane began his second military career as a colonel and military doctor II in Hanover . From April 1, 1960 to March 31, 1962 he was an army doctor in Cologne at the head of the army medical service, before he was promoted to general physician in Beuel on April 1, 1962 , which he held until he retired in the fall of 1964.


Until 1977 Wilhelm Krane worked again as a gynecologist and obstetrician with his own practice in Bad Bramstedt. A serious illness forced him to give up his job in 1977, 50 years to the day after taking his medical state examination.

Wilhelm Krane was married twice. From the first marriage with Christel Margarete Clara Krane, b. Kaffke, had four children, from the second marriage with Gertrud Krane, née. Reinfeld, two children.



  • Who is Who in Europe, 1967–68.
  • Obituary for general practitioner a. D. Prof. Dr. med. habil. Wilhelm Krane, Military Medical Monthly 09/1979, p. 267.

Web links


Researched and made available by Karl-Wilhelm Krane (youngest son of Wilhelm Krane)