Yaltomata grandiflora

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Yaltomata grandiflora
Euasterids I
Order : Nightshade (Solanales)
Family : Nightshade family (Solanaceae)
Genre : Yaltomata
Type : Yaltomata grandiflora
Scientific name
Yaltomata grandiflora
( BLRob. & Greenm. ) D'Arcy , Mione & Tilton Davis

Jaltomata grandiflora is a plant type from the genus jaltomata in the family of the nightshade family (Solanaceae).


Vegetative characteristics

Jaltomata grandiflora is a perennial , creeping, herbaceous plant with a length of up to 1 meter. The outer branches are ascending, the growth is often plagiotropic (horizontal or oblique), the shoots are somewhat zigzag-shaped. A large, starchy rhizome is formed that is up to four inches long and three inches or more wide. The hair consists of white, upright, multicellular trichomes , which are sometimes glandular and secrete fine, clear droplets. The stems are almost cylindrical or somewhat five-sided, occasionally with reddish longitudinal stripes. The stems become angular as they dry. At first the branches are quite weak, but they become strong later. The marrow is pronounced, becomes hollow with age. The hair on the stems is tomentose and sticky and consists of persistent, upright, white, weak and sometimes glandular trichomes, which are usually about 1 millimeter, occasionally up to 2 millimeters long.

The leaves are alternate or in almost identical pairs in the area of ​​the inflorescences. The nodes are 1 to 5 inches apart. The leaf blade is ovate, 4 to 8 (rarely up to 12) centimeters long, 3 to 5 (rarely up to 8) centimeters wide and soft-skinned. At the base the leaf blades are short wedge-shaped and run down the front ends of the stems as wings; the leaf margin is entire or lobed two to three times on each side. The tip is broadly pointed or blunt. There are about 5 main veins on each side from the midrib. They are slightly curved and unite near the leaf margin to open either into a leaf lobes or into a weak, wavy ring along the leaf margin. The veining is transparent, very fine and slightly sunken on the upper side, thick and protruding on the lower side.

Inflorescences and flowers

The inflorescences usually consist of two, rarely one or three flowers , which are arranged in a cluster . They arise from the leaf axils of the leaf pairs, which are near the branch tips. The peduncle is round, green, evenly hairy and about 8 millimeters long. The flower stalks are of a similar shape, but a little thinner and 12 to 15 millimeters long, slightly broadened towards the top.

All flowers are fully developed. The calyx is colored green, measures 10 to 15 millimeters in diameter, is membranous and incised on about half the length, so that triangular-blunt calyx tips arise. These are protruding forwards early on, keeled and finely downy-haired on the inside, tomentose on the outside. The crown is pentagonal in shape and has a diameter of 25 millimeters. It is yellowish white in color and has green spots that are arranged in a star shape and make up about a quarter to a third in the middle of the coronet. The outside is hairy along the veins, the inside near the center, the edge is ciliate. The central axis of the petals is fine, protruding on the outside. The corolla lobes are triangularly pointed.

The stamens are almost identical, the anthers are yellow, egg-shaped and 3 to 3.5 millimeters long before opening, then only 2 mm. They are split about 1 millimeter below the connective. The stamen attaches ventrifix near the base of the connective, is white, about 7 millimeters long, upright, awl-shaped, hairless at the tip and tufted hair at the base. The pollen is colored yellow. The flower base is pale yellow or orange, surrounds the lower half of the ovary and is sunk below the corolla tube and the base of the stamens. The ovary is green, hemispherical and has a stylus about 7 millimeters long . About 200 ovules are formed.

Fruits and seeds

The fruits are indented, spherical, black, juicy berries with a size of 9.2 to 12 × 14 to 18 millimeters. The calyx becomes brownish on the fruit and is stretched forward. The fruits contain about 90 seeds each .

Chromosome number

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 24.


The species is known only from a few finds from the Pátzcuaro region in the Mexican state of Michoacán .


  • William D'Arcy, Thomas Mione, Tilton Davis IV: Jaltomata grandiflora (Solanaceae): A Rare Mexican Species . In: Novon , Volume 2, Number 3, 1992. pp. 190-192.

Individual evidence

  1. Jaltomata grandiflora at Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis

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