Janez Cvirn

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Janez Cvirn

Janez Cvirn (born April 22, 1960 in Celje , Yugoslavia , † August 7, 2013 in Ljubljana , Slovenia ) was a Slovenian historian .

Live and act

Cvirn attended high school in Celje. After graduating from high school , he went to Ljubljana to study history and sociology at the philosophy faculty , and graduated in 1983. In the same year he started working as an archivist in the Celje Regional Archives . In 1985 he became curator of the Celje Regional Museum (Pokrajinski muzej Celje). In 1986 he completed his master's degree ; In 1991 he received his doctorate . In the same year he became a lecturer in 19th century Slovenian history at the Institute for History of the Philosophical Faculty in Ljubljana. In 1997 he was appointed associate professor and in 2001 full professor . He also taught at the Philosophical Faculty in Maribor / Marburg an der Drau. Cvirn was active in numerous historical professional associations, among other things he was the editor of several magazines and founded the magazine Zgodovina za vse ('history for everyone'). Cvirn was primarily concerned with 19th century Slovenian history: everyday and social history; Parliamentarism, political history, press and censorship history and much more. Most intensively, however, he dealt with the history of the Germans in Lower Styria and the coexistence of Germans and Slovenes in the monarchy . He published several monographs and scientific articles on these topics . He was also the main editor of the extensive Slovenian chronicle of the 19th century Slovenska kronika XIX. stoletja.


Selection of works published in German:

  • The "Fortress Triangle": On the political orientation of the Germans in Lower Styria (1861-1914). Edited by Ernst Bruckmüller, Meinhard Brunner, Janez Cvirn, Filip Čuček, Jure Gašparič, Martin Moll, Mojca Šorn and Andrej Studen; German translation by Irena Brückmüller. Vienna, 2016. ISBN 978-3-643-50757-0 .
  • The Austroslavism and the Slovenes , in: Andreas Moritsch (Ed.): The Austroslavism: A premature concept for the political reorganization of Central Europe , Böhlau Zeitgeschichte, vol. 1. Vienna: Böhlau 1996, 77–85.
  • Germans and Slovenes in Lower Styria: Between Cooperation and Confrontation, in: Harald Heppner (Hrsg.): Slovenes and Germans in Common Space: New Research on a Complex Topic, Book Series of the Southeast German Historical Commission, Vol. 38. Munich: R. Oldenburg 2002, 111-125.


  • Trdnjavski trikotnik. Politična orientacija Nemcev na Spodnjem Štajerskem (1861–1914) , Maribor: Obzorja 1997.
  • Boj za sveti zakon: prizadevanja za reformo poročnega prava od 18. stoletja do druge svetovne vojne. Zbirka Zgodovinskega časopisa, 30. Ljubljana, 2005.
  • Aufbiks! : Nacionalne razmere v Celju na prelomu 19. v 20. stoletje. Celje, 2006.
  • Razvoj ustavnosti in parlamentarizma v Habsburški monarhiji: Dunajski državni zbor in Slovenci (1848-1918). Ljubljana, 2006.
  • Dunajski državni zbor in Slovenci (1848-1918). Celje, Ljubljana, 2015. ISSN 1854-7591

As editor:

  • Slovenska kronika XIX. stoletja. 1. 1800–1860, 2001, Ljubljana: Nova revija.
  • Slovenska kronika XIX. stoletja. 2. 1861–1883, 2003, Ljubljana: Nova revija.
  • Slovenska kronika XIX. stoletja. 3. 1884–1899, 2003, Ljubljana: Nova revija.
  • Sernec, Josip, Spomini. S spremno študijo Janeza Cvirna., Celje: Osrednja knjižnica, 2003.


  • Rok Stergar: Janez Cvirn (1960-2013). In Zgodovinski časopis 67 (2013), pp. 524-526.
  • Biography on celjskozasavski.si

Individual evidence

  1. Rok Stergar, "Janez Cvirn (1960-2013)", Zgodovinski časopis 67 (2013), pp 524-526.