Jean-Philippe Nault

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Coat of arms of Jean-Philippe Nault.

Jean-Philippe Paul Nault SJMV (born April 13, 1965 in Paris , France ) is Bishop of Digne .


Jean-Philippe Nault received on 5 July 1998 by the Bishop of Belley-Ars , Guy Bagnard , the sacrament of Holy Orders . Nault joined the Société Jean-Marie Vianney .

On November 7, 2014, Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Digne. The Archbishop of Marseille , Georges Pontier , donated him episcopal ordination on January 17, 2015 ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Belley-Ars, Pascal Marie Roland , and the Bishop of Ajaccio , Olivier de Germay .


In an interview he gave to the weekly Famille Chrétienne , Bishop Nault said:

“In un diocese rural comme le mien, un des plus pauvres de France ... Par notre fonctionnement habituel, nous ne sommes pas loin du minimum vital. Il est difficile de davantage "serrer la vis", tandis que nous n'avons pas de réserves. "

- FC May 23, 2020, p. 15
 (In einem ländlichen Bistum wie meinem, einem der ärmsten Frankreichs...So wie wir normalerweise funktionieren, sind wir hart am Existenzminimum. Noch sparsamer vorzugehen, ist kaum möglich. Und Reserven haben wir keine.)

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predecessor Office successor
François-Xavier Loizeau Bishop of Digne
since 2014