Jelena Michailowna Schirmann

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Jelena Michailowna Schirmann

Jelena Michailovna Schirmann ( Russian Елена Михайловна Ширман ; born January 21 . Jul / 3. February  1908 greg. In Rostov-on-Don , † 12. August 1942 ibid) was a Soviet poet .


Schirmann's father Michail Wulfowitsch Schirmann (1879–1942) was a merchant ship - helmsman . Her mother Lyubow Abramovna, born Frumson (1890–1942), was a teacher and then studied at the Archeology Institute. She then worked as a librarian in museums. She was a founding member and board member of the North Caucasus Society for Archeology, History and Ethnography in Rostov-on-Don. Schirmann's Jewish grandfather Wolf Michelewitsch Schirmann (* around 1835) had settled in Rostov-on-Don in 1864, was a merchant of the 2nd guild and had been a stockbroker since 1869 . The Schirmann family owned a villa on Pushkin Street, a tenement house on what is now Voroshilov Prospect (built in 1912 by Arutyun Christoforowitsch Sakiyev ) and their grandfather's tenement house on Kazaner Strasse, which later became the telegraph building .

Schirmann House, Voroshilov Prospect 20, Rostov-on-Don

As a teenager , Schirmann wrote poems that appeared in Rostov-on-Don. Her poems were later published in the Moscow magazines Oktyabr and Smena . Graduated from the Literature - Faculty of the Rostov Pedagogical Institute she graduated in 1933 and then worked in the library . She dealt with folklore and continued to be literary. She had given up her parents' civil life at an early age and was briefly married twice.

In 1937, Schirmann went to Moscow and took part in Ilya Lwowitsch Selwinski's seminar at the Maxim Gorki Literature Institute . At the same time, she headed a Rostov group for children's literature and was a literary advisor to the youth magazine Pionerskaya Pravda of the pioneer organization Vladimir Ilyich Lenin .

From the beginning of the German-Soviet war , Schirmann headed the agitation newspaper Prjamaja Nawodka in Rostov-on-Don , in which she published her satirical poems. In July 1942, when the Wehrmacht crossed the Don and occupied Rostov-on-Don, Schirmann was assigned to the district of the village of Remontnoye on the Dschurak-Sal in the southeast of Rostov Oblast. In her suitcase she had also taken her translations of Rainer Maria Rilke's poems and her diary with her last poems. At the end of July 1942 she was captured by Germans there and identified as a Jew based on her passport.

The last days of Schirmann's life were described by a contemporary witness who reported to the Komsomolskaya Pravda in the autumn of 1964 after he had published his poems and letters and met with Schirmann's sister Alita Mikhailovna. The then 19-year-old contemporary witness was an employee and interpreter at the German commandant's office in occupied Rostov-on-Don in 1942 , for which he was later severely punished. Schirmann had been severely interrogated about her literary work. Three weeks later, she and her parents were standing in line for the Jews. August 1942 were driven into the Smijowskaja Balka (Snake Gorge ) and shot . The contemporary witness had taken from the heap of objects taken from the prisoners and kept Schirmann's diary with his last poems and letters. He then issued false passports and saved young people from being deported to Germany . Schirmann's diary was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Schirmann's cousin was People's Commissar Arkadi Pavlovich Rosenholz . Her cousin was the artist Eva Pawlowna Levina-Rosenholz .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e “Эти стихи, наверное, последние ...” (Елена Ширман) (accessed October 23, 2019).
  2. a b c Ростовская областная детская библиотека имени В.М. М. Ширман (accessed October 23, 2019).
  3. Н. А. Казарова: И. П. Козловский и его хроника (accessed October 23, 2019).
  4. Список почётных членов, членов-учредителей, действительных членов, членов-корреспондентов Северо-Кавказского краевого общества археологии, истории и этнографии на 2 августа 1927 года (accessed on 23 October 2019).
  5. МОРОЗАН ВЛАДИМИР: Купцы Ростова-на-Дону: Ширман Вульф Михайлович (accessed October 23, 2019).
  6. Алфавит евреев, имеющих учёные степени, Ростовских н / Д купцов и мещан, проживающих в г. Ростове-на-Дону (1896) (accessed October 23, 2019).
  7. Бакулина Н. А .: ЗАПИСКИ ИЗ ПРИФРОНТОВОГО ГОРОДА - воспоминания о Елене Михайловне Ширман в годы Великой Отеченой . In: Донской временник. Год 2008-й . Дон. гос. публ. б-ка, Rostov-on-Don 2007, p. 182–191 ( [1] [accessed October 25, 2019]).
  8. Последние стихи (accessed October 26, 2019).
  9. ИННА КАЛАБУХОВА: ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЕ ДЛИНОЮ В СОРОК ПЯТЬ ЛЕТ . In: Ковчег . No. 39 , June 23, 2013 ( [2] [accessed October 25, 2019]).
  10. Елена Ширман. Письма ненайденным адресатам (accessed October 24, 2019).