Jelka roses

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Frederick and Jelka Delius, 1929

Hélène Sophie Emilie Rosen (* 1868 in Belgrade , † 1935 in London ) was a French painter and writer of German - Jewish origin.


Hélène Sophie Emilie Rosen was the youngest of five children of the diplomat and university professor Georg Rosen and his wife Serena Anna Moscheles (1830–1902), the only daughter of the well-known composer Ignaz Moscheles . Within the family she was called Jelka . After your family moved to Detmold , Rosen lived there from the age of seven to 23.

In 1891 Rosen went to Paris and studied there in the following years at the Académie Colarossi , a private school that mainly accepted young women in the arts and foreign students. She took a room in the Montparnasse district of Paris and made the acquaintance of the composers Gabriel Fauré , Maurice Ravel and Florent Schmitt , the painters Auguste Rodin , Camille Claudel , Paul Gauguin , Henri Rousseau , Edvard Munch and Ida Gerhardi . In 1896 she met the composer Frederick Delius (1862–1934) and moved with him in 1897 to her country house in Grez-sur-Loing , a small town near Fontainebleau . They married in 1903. She translated the libretto into German for the opera A Village Romeo and Juliet , which premiered in Berlin in 1907 .

The twenties heralded a serious syphilitic illness that left her husband paralyzed and blind for the rest of his life. She had to write down his second violin sonata (1923), after which his composing activity ceased for several years. Jelka Rosen died of complications from colon cancer and was buried next to her husband, who died a year before her.



  • Diana McVeagh: Frederick Theodor Albert Delius (1862–1934) , Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press (2004)
  • Frank Meier-Barthel: The painter Jelka Rosen, The Detmold family Rosen . In: Heimatland Lippe, magazine of the Lippischen Heimatbund and the Landesverband Lippe . August, 2018.
  • Frank Meier-Barthel: The way to the Grenz-Sur-Loing bridge. For the 150th birthday of the painter Jelka Rosen . In: Rosenland. Journal of Lippe History . tape 21 , 2018, p. 3–40 ( [1] [PDF; accessed June 23, 2020]).

Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Gregor Pelger:  Rosen, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 22, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-428-11203-2 , p. 51 f. ( Digitized version ).

Web links

Commons : Jelka Rosen  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files