Jes Leve Duysen

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Jes Leve (Lewe) Duysen (born August 1, 1820 in Dagebüll , † August 30, 1903 in Berlin ) was a German piano maker who founded the JL Duysen piano factory in Berlin in 1860.


Duysen completed his apprenticeship with the piano maker Hansen in Flensburg from 1837 to 1841 . In the following 20 years he worked for numerous piano manufacturing companies in Germany before founding his own piano factory in Leipziger Strasse 39 in Berlin in 1860 . Within a few years he managed to make his instruments known worldwide and to establish them at numerous courts. For the rapidly growing company, Duysen acquired a large piece of land at Friedrichstrasse  219 in 1867 , and one year later he already employed 80 people. Between 1890 and 1903 around 500 instruments were built per year, half pianos and half grand pianos.

Jes Leve Duysen died in Berlin in 1903 at the age of 83 and was buried in Cemetery I of the Jerusalem and New Churches in front of the Hallesches Tor . His neo-Romanesque grave monument has been preserved.

After the founder's death

From 1903 the company was initially continued by Duysen's widow and three nephews. Several changes in the legal form and ownership followed, in 1926 production was relocated to Braunschweig , the sales rooms remained in Berlin. In 1928 the headquarters of the entire company was relocated to Braunschweig, and one year later the Duysen piano factory merged with other companies (including Wilhelm Schimmel Pianofortefabrik ) in the Deutsche Piano-Werke AG. From this merger, individual companies later left, the history of the Duysen pianos ended in 1955. Even today, numerous instruments, especially in private ownership, have been preserved, a grand piano is in the Germanic National Museum in Nuremberg .



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende: Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 212.