Joachim Wittstock

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Joachim Wittstock (born August 28, 1939 in Sibiu (Hermannstadt), Kingdom of Romania ) is a Romanian writer, literary historian and translator of Romanian literature. He comes from the ethnic group of the Transylvanian Saxons .


Wittstock attended elementary and high school in Brașov (Kronstadt), where he graduated from high school in 1956. He then studied German and Romanian studies at the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj (Klausenburg) until 1961 . He worked as a teacher and librarian in Cisnădie (Heltau) and in his birthplace. From 1971 to 1999 he was a research assistant at the Research Center for Social Sciences in Sibiu ( renamed the Institute for Social and Human Research after the Romanian Revolution in 1989 ). In this branch of the Romanian Academy (Bucharest) he worked in the field of literary history.

He wrote studies on the German-language literature of Transylvania , Banat and Bukovina , was co-editor and co-author of collectively compiled representations of the history of Romanian German literature and was in charge of the German-language magazine (the yearbook) (mostly as proofreader, editorial secretary and at times also responsible editor). of the academy publisher "Research on Folklore and Regional Studies". He edited four volumes of an edition of his father Erwin Wittstock's prose works (Kriterion Verlag, Bucharest 1979–1991) and published the monographic study “Erwin Wittstock. The narrative work ”(Dacia Verlag, Cluj-Napoca 1974).

The author has been a member of the Romanian Writers' Union, Sibiu branch, since 1979. He has been a member of the German Schiller Society (Marbach am Neckar) since 1991 and of the Esslingen Artists' Guild since 1992 .

Wittstock lives in Sibiu (Hermannstadt).

Works (selection)

  • Messenger arrow. Poems. Dacia Verlag, Cluj-Napoca 1972
  • Eye marks. Forty-three texts. Dacia Verlag, Cluj-Napoca 1976
  • Carousel polka. Narrative. Dacia Verlag, Cluj-Napoca 1978
  • Slogan Atlantis. Narrative and contemplative prose. Dacia Verlag, Cluj-Napoca 1980
  • Moon phase clock. Words in bound and unbound speech. Dacia Verlag, Cluj-Napoca 1983
  • Ash rain. Parallel images of life and a comparison. Dacia Verlag, Cluj-Napoca 1985. Romanian by Al. Teodorescu. Editura Kriterion, Bucharest 1989
  • Morning train. Mindsets, reflections. Dacia Verlag, Cluj-Napoca 1988
  • The European button. Contemplative and narrative prose. DIPA Verlag, Frankfurt / Main 1991
  • Hall of Mirrors. Sketches, stories. Kriterion Verlag, Bucharest 1994
  • The Dalmatian Queen of Peace. Two stories from contemporary southeastern events. Skarabaeus / Edition Löwenzahn, Innsbruck 1997
  • Curator, mercenary, governor and other prose. Kriterion Verlag, Bucharest 1998
  • Silhouette. Descriptions, fantasies, information. hora Verlag, Sibiu 2002
  • Confirmed and sealed. Novel in four seasons. ADZ Verlag, Bucharest 2003
  • Club man and sleeping muse. Steps of experience. hora Verlag, Sibiu 2005
  • The world offered to us. Years in Cluj-Napoca. Novel. ADZ Verlag, Bucharest 2007
  • Dumbrava morilor. Schiţe şi nuvele. Romanian from Nora Iuga. Institutul Cultural Roman, Bucureşti 2007
  • Looking for a stop. Essays. Hora Verlag, Sibiu 2009
  • Protectoarea dalmată a păcii. Pagini de proză. Romanian by Laura Balomiri, Nora Căpăţână, Ioana Constantin, Carmen Popa and Maria Sass. Editura Techno Media, Sibiu 2009
  • The blue ball. Stories about Sibiu buildings and their inhabitants. hora Verlag, Sibiu 2012
  • Margarete Depner . A sculptor in Transylvania. Co-author: Rohtraut Wittstock. hora Verlag, Sibiu 2014
  • Strania călătorie a lui Peter Gottlieb. Povestire. Romanian from Nora Iuga . Editura Tracus Arte, Bucharest 2015
  • White Lagoon and other travel stops. hora Verlag, Sibiu 2016


Joachim Wittstock received prizes from the Romanian Writers' Association (Head Office Bucharest, 1978, 1983, 2002) and the 2007 Opera Omnia Prize from the association's Sibiu branch. In 1991 he was presented with an honorary gift from the German Schiller Foundation Weimar, as well as an honorary gift from the Andreas Gryphius Prize awarded by the Artists' Guild in 1992 . Since 2000 he has been an honorary doctor of the Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu and a knight (cavaler) of the Romanian order "Pentru Merit". He was awarded the Transylvanian-Saxon Culture Prize in 2010.


  • Stefan Sienerth , Walter Myß (Ed.): Lexicon of German-speaking writers. From the beginning to the present. Vol. 2: 20th century. Overall editor: Kurt Böttcher. Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim-Zurich-New York 1993. pp. 821-822.
  • Stefan Sienerth: Lexicon of the Transylvanian Saxony. Wort und Welt Verlag, Thaur near Innsbruck 1993, p. 577.
  • Bibliography Joachim Wittstock. In: German studies by the Lucian Blaga University. Sibiu University Press. Volume 12, 2000, pp. 30-70; Volume 25, 2009, pp. 173-194; Tape. 25 ed. by Maria Sass with the collaboration of Sunhild Galter contains studies and essays on Joachim Wittstock's work.
  • Paul Niedermaier: Academia Română. Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane Sibiu. Semicentenary 1956-2006. Editura Honterus, Sibiu 2006, pp. 209-212.
  • Carmen Elisabeth Puchianu (Ed.): Kronstadt Contributions to German Research , Volume XI, Festschrift for Joachim Wittstock. aldus Verlag, Brașov 2009.

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