Joan Hackett

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Joan Ann Hackett (born March 1, 1934 in New York - † October 8, 1983 in Encino , California ) was an American actress .


Hackett was of Irish - Italian descent. She was educated accordingly and attended Catholic schools. She made her acting debut in 1959 with the role of "Gail Prentiss" in the television series Young Doctor Malone . In 1961 she received the Obie Award for best acting in the play Call Me by My Rightful Name . She starred in the 1962 Twilight Zone episode, "A Piano in the House." In 1966, Sidney Lumet's The Clique , she starred alongside Candice Bergen , Larry Hagman , Richard Mulligan and Joanna Pettet . One of her best-known roles was that of "Catherine Allen" in the 1968 western The Daring with Charlton Heston . In the western comedy Even a Sheriff Needs Help (1969) she played alongside James Garner . After that, she worked primarily in television films and series.

From 1967 to 1973 she was married to actor Richard Mulligan . In 1982 she was awarded a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress for her role in one of her final films, Mrs. Hines and Daughter , and was nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.

Joan Hackett died of ovarian cancer in 1983 .

Filmography (selection)

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