Johann Andreas Fabricius

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Johann Andreas Fabricius (born June 18, 1696 in Dodendorf near Magdeburg , † February 28, 1769 in Nordhausen ) was a German teacher and scholar of linguistics. As Ferrando III. Verbena he was a member of the Pegnese Flower Order .


Fabricius studied theology in Leipzig and Helmstedt . In Leipzig he was a member of the pietistic Bible reading group Collegium Philobiblicum, which was co-founded by August Hermann Francke . He belonged to the speaking society from 1715 to 1718.

In 1722 he presented his disputation De summa hominis in hac vita felicitate (“On the highest happiness attainable to man in this life”), which suggests a strong rational and reality-related view. So he became a member of the Leipzig " Teutsche Gesellschaft ", which was under the influence of Johann Christoph Gottsched and Johann Friedrich May .

In 1724 he appeared through the publication of a philosophical rhetoric and in 1728 on a moral knowledge within the framework of reason, which shows an influence of Christian Wolff . Because this had shown a way how one could be a convinced Christian with understanding and reason. In 1733 he published a book on logic.

As an adjunct of the Philosophical Faculty he found a job in 1734 at the University of Jena . In 1740 he came to the Katharinenschule in Braunschweig , where he was rector. In 1741 he turned down a call to the University of Giessen as a professor of oratory and poetry. He entered the Pegnese Flower Order in 1743.

Since 1745 he taught philosophy as a professor at the Collegium Carolinum . Duke Karl I of Braunschweig dismissed him from service after publicly criticizing his colleagues. So he returned to Jena to the university and in 1753 became rector of the grammar school in Nordhausen .

He was one of the pioneers of the training of the German language and its application in science, which meant a revolution in the understanding of scholars.


  • Philosophical oratorio. That is: sensible guidance to learned and gallant eloquence. 1724 ( digitized and full text in the German text archive ), Kronberg 1974, ISBN 3-589-15004-1 .
  • Reasonable thoughts from the moral knowledge of human minds. 1728.
  • Specimen orthographiae Teutonicae demonstratae. 1733.
  • Sacra Novi test. Tropologia. Jena 1736.
  • Philosophical oratory. Leipzig 1739.
  • A familiar exchange of letters about some unreasonable reviews in the Altonaic so-called learned newspapers. Freyburg 1746.
  • Outline of a general history of learning . 3 volumes, Leipzig 1752–1754.


  • Ludwig Ferdinand SpehrFabricius, Joh. Andreas . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 6, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1877, p. 509.
  • Monika Firla: Anton Wilhelm Amo (Nzema / Ghana) - "Kammermohr" - private lecturer in philosophy - fortune teller . In: Tribus 51. 2002. (Firla deals with the relationship between Amo and Fabricius and gives many references to the latter.)

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