Johann Baptist Friedreich

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Johann Baptist Friedreich (born April 19, 1796 in Würzburg ; † January 29, 1862 there ) was a German physician , forensic doctor and poet . He was one of the leading psychiatric theorists from the somatic standpoint .

life and work

Friedreich was a son of the Würzburg physician Nikolaus Anton Friedreich . Johann Baptist studied medicine in Würzburg. In 1813 he was accepted into the Corps Franconia Würzburg . In 1818 he received his doctorate in Würzburg with the thesis De nisu formativa and on July 13, 1819 private lecturer. In 1821 he became an associate professor of general therapy, held the lecture pathology and therapy of mental illnesses according to Heinroth from 1825 and became a full professor of medicine at the University of Würzburg in 1830 . In 1830 he was also elected a member of the Leopoldina . He taught “general pathology and semiotics” in Würzburg (study of the signs of illness). His academic career, however, was short. Friedreich, who was popular among students, appeared politically too dangerous to the authorities and he was suspended from his offices in 1832 and deported to the position of forensic doctor in Weissenburg with the rank of professor . However, he declined offers to foreign universities. Instead, he asked for and received the forensic doctor positions from Straubing in 1838 and from Ansbach in 1843 . In 1850 he became a court doctor in Erlangen and honorary professor at the University of Erlangen . After he retired in 1855, he returned to Würzburg. Friedreich argued critically in his psychiatric writings against Johann Christian August Heinroth that every mental illness is based on physical irregularities and that the mental causes of mental illness also work through the physical. Friedreich also implemented his diverse interests in legal, philological, philosophical and poetic work. He also published various journals, including the papers for forensic anthropology and Friedreichs papers for forensic medicine .

Friedreich was a knight of the Order of Civil Merit St. Michael and holder of the Greek Medal for Art and Science. He had two sons and four daughters. His son Nicolaus became a well-known internist and pathologist, his son Friedrich (1828–1895) was a building officer in Würzburg and Fürth and founder of an aid organization for wounded soldiers.

Publications (selection)

  • with Prosper Alpinus: De praesagienda vita et morte aegrotantium. Beck, Nordlingae 1828.
  • with James Morse Churchill and J. Wagner: Treatise on Acupuncture. , Bamberg 1824.
  • with Thomas Copeland: Thom. Copeland's remarks on the most excellent diseases of the rectum and anus. , Hall 1819.
  • Forensic Practice Handbook. Including forensic veterinary science. Manz, Regensburg 1843.
  • with Adam Kaspar Hesselbach: Contributions to nature and medicine. , Würzburg 1825.
  • with Adam Kaspar Hesselbach: Contributions to nature and medicine. , Würzburg 1826.
  • with Adam Kaspar Hesselbach: Library of German Medicine and Surgery. Strecker, Würzburg 1828.
  • About the service. A program. , Würzburg 1824.
  • Sketch of a general diagnosis of mental illnesses. , Würzburg 1829.
  • Synopsis librorum de pathologia et therapia morborum psychicorum. Groos, Heidelbergae, Lipsiae 1830.
  • Attempt of a literary history of the pathology and therapy of mental illnesses. From the oldest times to the nineteenth century. Strecker, Würzburg 1830.
  • Systematic literature on medical and forensic psychology. Enslin, Berlin 1833.
  • Historical-critical presentation of the theories about the nature and location of mental illnesses. Wigand, Leipzig 1836.
  • Works for pathology and therapy of mental illnesses. Palm u. Enke, Erlangen 1839.
  • Central archive for the entire state medicine customer. GJ Manz, Regensburg 1844–45.
  • About the Jewish circumcision in historical, operational and medical police relation. Dollfuss'sche Buchhandlung (C. Fielitz), Ansbach 1844.
  • Analects to nature u. Medicine. , Ansbach 1846.
  • Handbook of Pathological Signs. Richter, Würzburg 1825.
  • Notes about Bavaria's baths and healing springs. Campe, Nuremberg 1827. Digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf
  • Collectio operum medicorum antiquiorum. , Nordlinga 1828-1829.
  • Systematic Handbook of Forensic Psychology. For medical officials, judges and defenders. Wigand, Leipzig 1835; 2nd, revised edition under the title System der Richtlichen Psychologie by GJ Manz, Regensburg 1842.
  • Instructions for the forensic examination of physical injuries. Schorner, Straubing 1841.
  • On the nineteenth century psychiatric literature. (1801-1836). Manz, Regensburg 1842.
  • Handbook of the health police, the food, drinks and the ingredients used for their preparation. Along with an attachment about the harness. , Ansbach 1846.
  • Compendium of Judicial Anthropology. For doctors and lawyers. Manz, Regensburg 1848.
  • To the Bible. Natural historical anthropological and medical fragments. Bauer & Raspe, Nuremberg 1848.
  • The realities in the Iliad and Odyssey. Enke, Erlangen 1851.
  • God in nature. Palm, Erlangen 1853.
  • About commercial and industrial objects in relation to confusion, contamination, adulteration and fraud. For police and medical officers, merchants, manufacturers, tradespeople, housekeepers and farmers. Junge, Ansbach 1853.
  • Anthropological-psychological remarks on the Bavarian draft of the Code of Crimes and Offenses from 1854 and its motives. Korn, Nuremberg 1855.
  • Memoranda of Forensic Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology. Stahel, Würzburg 1857.
  • Poems. 2nd Edition. Stahel, Würzburg 1858.
  • The symbolism and mythology of nature. Stahel, Würzburg 1859.
  • Free verse. , Würzburg 1860.
  • with Carl Barth and Wilhelm Ludwig Demme: The basic concepts of criminal law and its guiding principles, taking into account German legislation. For doctors, lawyers and jurors. Korn, Nuremberg 1861.
  • with Nikolaus Friedreich: The cosmic bodies in their mythical-symbolic meaning. Stahel, Würzburg 1864.
  • History of the riddle. Kuntze, Dresden 1860.
  • with Friedrich Groos: The way through the forecourt of political freedom to the temple of moral freedom. Religious-philosophical stoic-moral and psychological; with an autobiography of the author. Gummi, Ansbach 1849.


  • Melchior Josef BandorfFriedreich, Johannes Baptista . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 7, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1877, p. 400.
  • Bresler: Johannes Baptist Friedreich . In: Theodor Kirchhoff: German insane doctors. : Individual images of their life and work. Vol. 1. Springer, Berlin 1921, pp. 158-165.
  • Armin Haustein: JB Friedreich as a coroner. Univ., Dissertation - Erlangen-Nürnberg, 1971.
  • Werner E. Gerabek : Friedreich, Johann Baptist. In: Werner E. Gerabek, Bernhard D. Haage, Gundolf Keil , Wolfgang Wegner (eds.): Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte. De Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2005, ISBN 3-11-015714-4 , p. 440.
  • Godehard Rutz: Johann Baptist Friedreich: His life and his influence on the forensic medicine of his time. Medical dissertation, Würzburg 1974.
  • Renate Wittern (ed.): The professors and lecturers of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen 1743–1960. Part II: Faculty of Medicine. Modifications made by Astrid Ley. Erlangen 1999 (= Erlanger research, special series. Volume 9), p. 45 f. ( Digitized version ). + 1

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 202/70
  2. Renate Wittern (Ed.): The professors and lecturers of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen 1743-1960. Part II: Faculty of Medicine. Modifications made by Astrid Ley. Erlangen 1999 (= Erlanger research, special series. Volume 9), p. 45 f. ( Digitized version ).
  3. Magdalena Frühinsfeld: Brief outline of psychiatry. In: Anton Müller. First insane doctor at the Juliusspital in Würzburg: life and work. A short outline of the history of psychiatry up to Anton Müller. Medical dissertation Würzburg 1991, p. 9–80 ( Brief outline of the history of psychiatry ) and 81–96 ( History of psychiatry in Würzburg to Anton Müller ), p. 61 f.
  4. ^ Walter M. Brod: Leonhard Seeligsberg's medical studies from Kronach at the universities of Würzburg and Munich, 1827-1833. In: Würzburg medical history reports. Volume 17, 1998, pp. 105-111, here: p. 106.
  5. Werner E. Gerabek: Friedreich, Johann Baptist. In: Encyclopedia of Medical History. 2005, p. 440.