Johann Carl Friedrich Kleemann

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Johann Karl Friedrich Kleemann , modernized Johann Carl Friedrich Kleemann , (born August 20, 1761 in Walkenried , † January 9, 1832 in Bernburg ) was a Anhalt-Bernburg Privy Councilor.


He was the son of Walkenried Oberamtmann Johann Friedrich Kleemann and grandson of Johann August Kleemann (1693–1756), who had leased the Walkenried Monastery as Oberamtmann. His mother came from Salza near Nordhausen and was called Marie Christine nee Nebelung (1736–1826). The parents lived on the Wiedigshof near Walkenried, where he was born. The mountain ridge Johann August Friedrich Kleemann at the Oberbergamt in Rothenburg (Saale) and the Schwarzburg-sonrdershausenscher District and Commission Council as well as Landrentmeister (1759-1805) were his older brother.

After attending school, Kleemann pursued a senior civil service career in the service of the Duke of Anhalt-Bernburg and began his service as a princely councilor in the residential city of Bernburg. He later rose to become the Privy Councilor. His correspondence with, among others, Duke Alexius Friedrich Christian von Anhalt-Bernburg is now managed in the Saxony-Anhalt State Archives in Dessau-Roßlau .

His father bequeathed him and his siblings a considerable fortune, including a ton of gold, after their death in 1788.

Kleemann had inherited rights to Vockstedt Castle near Artern on his father's side . In fact, in 1804, the family succeeded in acquiring a portion of the aforementioned castle property.


Among his children was Auguste Kleemann (born January 9, 1796 in Bernburg; † September 21, 1867 in Ebeleben), who married her cousin.


  • Wilhelm Kleemann: Genealogy of the Kleemann family in the south of Harz 1620–1933 , Hanover-Döhren 1933.

Individual evidence

  1. His weathered tomb was still in Walkenried for a long time, cf. The art monuments of the Blankenburg district and parts of the Hohenstein district , 1979, p. 358.
  2. State Archives Saxony-Anhalt, Z 18, A 10 No. 73
  3. ^ Johann Christian Hoffmann: Oekonomische Hefte or collection of news, experiences and observations for the city and farmer , Volume 9, Leipzig, 1797, p. 393.