Johann Chemnitz (botanist)

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Johann Chemnitz (* 1610 in Braunschweig ; † January 30, 1651 in Braunschweig) was a German doctor and botanist . With his posthumously published index plantarum , he created the earliest flora in northern Germany.


The son of Canon Paul Chemnitz (1566–1614) and grandson of the reformer Martin Chemnitz studied medicine in Leipzig , Jena , Oxford and Padua . He received his doctorate in philosophy and medicine in Padua, the city with the oldest preserved botanical garden (1545), and then settled as a doctor in Braunschweig. He wrote an alphabetical index Plantarum index of all wild plants occurring within a radius of approx. 20 km around Braunschweig, which appeared posthumously in 1652. He created the first directory of the flora of northern Germany. Although the systematic plant nomenclature was only introduced by Carl von Linné about 100 years later , 463 species of the 610 plants described can be identified today. It is also noteworthy that it contains the first images of American plants in Lower Saxony.


  • Index plantarum circa Brunsvigam trium fere millarium circuitu nascentium cum appendice iconum , Braunschweig, 1652, 55 p. 7 plates.


Individual evidence

  1. Dietmar Brandes: Geobotanical research of the Braunschweig region , 2015.
  2. Peter-Michael Steinsiek, Johannes Laufer: Sources on environmental history in Lower Saxony from the 18th to the 20th century , Göttingen 2012, p. 98.
  3. Plants from America , Osnabrück exhibition, 1993