Johann Christoph von Mahlen

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Johann Christoph von Mahlen (* 1720 ; † November 11, 1789 ) was a royal Prussian major general and chief of the Dragoon Regiment No. 2 .


In August 1738 he joined the Hussar Corps, with which he took part in the first Silesian War . He became cornet in 1744, second lieutenant in 1754, premier lieutenant in 1757, in 1758 he became a staff officer and in 1759 a real cavalry officer. In 1760 he became major and in December 1762 commander of the Dragoons Regiment in the Kleist Freikorps. In February 1763, shortly before the war ended, he moved to the cuirassier regiment No. 5 (Lolhöfel). In 1771 he became commander, in 1772 lieutenant colonel, and in 1775 colonel. In 1777 he came as a commander for Dragoon Regiment No. 1 (Lottum). On December 14, 1781 the Dragoon Regiment No. 2 (Friedrich von Würtemberg), then he became major general on September 24, 1782.

From 1740 he took part in all campaigns. He fought in Mollwitz (1741), Hohenfriedberg (1745), Prague (1757), Kolin (1757), Breslau (1757), Leuthen (1757), Zorndorf (1758), Hochkirch (1758), Kunersdorf (1759), Kay ( 1759) and Liegnitz (1760).

As a hussar he fought at the Roten-Schloß, Lichtenberg, Jägerndorf . At Katholisch-Hennersdorf he and the hussars from Zieten captured the opponent's drums.

He was wounded four times: at Hochkirch on the arm, at Kay on the cheek and at Kunersdorf in the left shoulder, his horse was also shot.


He was married to Sophie Christiane Tugendreich von der Marwitz († 1782).
