Johann Franz Anton Jörger from Tollet

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Johann Franz Anton Dominik Count Jörger von Tollet, Herr zu Schönau and Katzelsdorf often only Franz Graf Jörger zu Tollet (also Count von Jörger, Baron von Tollet ; * around 1670; † December 11, 1738 in Ofen ) was an Austrian general .

Jörger came from the Upper Austrian noble family Jörger von Tollet . He was the son of State and Conference Minister Johann Quintin Graf Jörger von Tollet (1624–1705) and received his early education in private lessons. Apparently, he entered the army young and quickly completed his military career. He appeared as a lieutenant colonel at the end of the 17th century . Jörger fought under Eugen von Savoyen and Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden in the Great Turkish War . He was named Emperor Leopold I by Margrave Ludwig von Baden after the victory of Vidin on October 16, 1689 .sent to report on the successes. On May 18, 1706 he was appointed colonel .

On December 27, 1709 Jörger received his own dragoons regiment. He became the owner of the kk dragoon regiment "Franz Graf Jörger zu Tollet" No. 6 . A little later he became major general and continued to do well in the Turkish wars . On April 15, 1716 he was therefore awarded the Chamberlain Key. He continued to have success in the campaigns. On May 8, 1716, he was promoted to general field sergeant and on October 14, 1723 to field marshal lieutenant . Shortly afterwards he was appointed real court war councilor and a little later the privy councilor . On March 17, 1735 he was finally promoted to general of the cavalry and transferred to him as commander of the strategically important fortress of Buda at the time.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Antonio Schmidt-Brentano: Imperial and Imperial Generals (1618–1815) , Austrian State Archives , 2006, p. 45.