Johann Friedrich August Villages

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Johann Friedrich August Dörfer (born March 9, 1766 in Petersdorf on Fehmarn , † August 21, 1827 in Preetz ) was a Holstein pastor , historian and geographer .


Dörfer became a preacher at the Heiliggeistkirche in Altona in 1794 and a Protestant pastor of Preetz in 1799 , where he later concentrated on his geographic activities. In 1821 he was a co-founder of the Preetz savings and loan fund and the first to write a detailed treatise on the history of the place.

In 1803 and 1805 he published detailed country descriptions of Holstein and Schleswig, which was then entirely Danish . Due to their high quality, these works were reprinted in several editions until around 1840, including a. from his son Theodor.

Johann Friedrich August Dörfer was the teacher of the young Heinrich Christian Schumacher , who later ran an observatory in Altona. On March 15, 1825 Dörfer received the Dannebrogden from the Danish king .

Johann Friedrich August Dörfer was married to Anna Lucia Schumacher († 1840) since 1798. They had two sons: Carl († 1854) and Theodor Dörfer.




  1. ^ New Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg Provincial Reports , 1827
  2. Dörfer's activity as a teacher from 1790 in Altona and von Schumacher: Christian Olufsen: Biographical notes about the deceased Conferenzrath Schumacher .
  3. 1825, 15th Martz, 4th class, Riddere, Kongelig dansk hof- og statskalender. 1826. Carl Friderich Schubart, Kiobenhavn, p. 42 digitized
  4. The reference to the Journal Hamb. And Altona relates to the edition: 3rd vol., Volume 2, 1804, p. 23.

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