Johann Friedrich Christian von der Recke zu Steinfurt

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Johann Friedrich Christian von der Recke zu Steinfurt (* 1701 ; † January 1, 1726 ) was canon in Paderborn and official droste in the Werne office.


Origin and family

Johann Friedrich Christian grew up as the son of Johann Matthias von der Recke zu Steinfurt and his wife Anna Maria von Plettenberg zu Lehnhausen († 1707) together with his brother Ferdinand Wilhelm and his half-siblings Anna Maria Theresia , Franz Arnold and Anna Maria Theresia in the ancient Westphalian region Noble family von der Recke .

Career and work

On June 5, 1706, the cathedral chapter confirmed Johann Friedrich Christian's eligibility for his father's Drosten position. With the receipt of the tonsure on April 4, 1711, he was prepared for a clerical office. 1720 he received after the waiver of Archbishop Franz Ludwig von der Pfalz a Dompräbende in Munster , but he declined after five years in favor of his brother Ferdinand Wilhelm. In 1721 he received a cathedral praise in Paderborn . After attending the University of Siena in 1722, Johann Friedrich was ordained a priest. In 1725, a year before his death, he renounced his prebends in favor of his brother Ferdinand Wilhelm. Johann Friedrich Christian was buried in the Hippolytus Chapel in Paderborn Cathedral.


  • Germania Sacra : The Dioceses of the Church Province of Cologne, NF 37.4, The Diocese of Münster 7.4, published by the Max Planck Institute for History, Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2004 Digitized
  • Marcus Weidner : Landadel Münster 1600–1760 , Regensburg-Verlag

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