Johann Georg Pfranger

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Johann Georg Pfranger (born August 5, 1745 in Hildburghausen , † July 10, 1790 in Meiningen ) was a German Protestant clergyman.


Johann Georg Pfranger was the son of a tanner born and alderman.

He initially attended school in Hildburghausen and then went to the Casimirianum Coburg grammar school to prepare for his theology and philosophy studies, which he completed at the University of Jena . After completing his studies, he returned to Hildburghausen, where he was supported by the general superintendent Philipp Ernst Kern (1719–1776), who also hired him as a tutor for his children. Shortly afterwards he also gave lessons to the children of his future father-in-law, Privy Councilor Hieronymi.

In 1772 he became vicar in Stressenhausen and in 1773 he was transferred to the parish there; he stayed there until Duke Karl appointed him as court preacher at his castle church in the royal seat of Meiningen in 1776 . In 1785 he was appointed consistorial assessor .

Until his death he was in friendly contact with Friedrich Schiller , who at that time 1782/1783 in Bauerbach on the run from the Württemberg Duke  Karl Eugen on the estate of the Wolzo family, the later Schillerhaus , for half a year as Dr. Knight found shelter.

Johann Georg Pfranger had been with Albertine (* 1754; † November 2, 1819), born in 1777. Hieronymi, married; they had several children together.

Two months after his death, his two youngest sons died of smallpox in a week, and four months after his death, his wife gave birth to another son. She received his salary for a whole year and then received a pension from the ducal family.


Johann Georg Pfranger was also active as a poet and writer of hymns, in which he adapted older hymns to the taste of the time and also added fifteen songs he had composed himself. Together with his best friend Wilhelm Friedrich Hermann Reinwald , librarian at the ducal court and Friedrich Schiller's brother-in-law, he edited the New Saxon-Coburg-Meiningische hymnal .

When Gotthold Ephraim Lessing brought out Nathan the Wise in 1779 , Johann Georg Pfranger wrote his monk from Lebanon as an addendum and continuation because he saw the Christian religion impaired in its honor through Nathan the Wise . The counterpart was hotly debated at that time, especially in Meininger Land , and the young Friedrich Schiller was also involved in the disputes at that time, in the area of ​​tension between Christian confession and religious tolerance.

Fonts (selection)

  • Providence: A didactic poem for his fellow citizens under the pressure of miserable times . Hildburghausen 1773.
  • About the resurrection of the dead: the ruling Lord Duke of Saxony-Hildburghausen, on the early death of the Hereditary Princess of Saxony-Coburg-Saalfeld . Hildburghausen 1776
  • Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful! Meiningen, printed by Friedemann Christoph Hartmann 1777.
  • Feyer of the evening in the moonlight: a lecture in the arbor; in memory of the 10th Julius, 1778 . Meiningen 1778.
  • Sermons on the Sunday and feast day epistles. Hildburghausen 1779–1791
  • The Monk of Lebanon: An Addendum to Nathan the Wise . 1782, 2nd edition 1785, 3rd edition 1817.
  • Questions with no answer or the catechism of the wise . Meiningen 1784.
  • Leopold - poem on the noble death of Prince Leopold von Brauneschweig . Dessau 1785.
  • About Sunday and feast day gospels . Meiningen 1792.
  • Mixed sermons . Leipzig 1792.
  • Poems . Meiningen, with Johann Gottfried Hanisch 1794.
  • Hymn book . Meiningen Friedemann Christoph Hartmanns 1794.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Schlichtegroll: Nekrolog on the year 1790, Volume 2, pp. 45–58. Retrieved February 12, 2018 .
  2. German Biography: Pfranger, Johann Georg - German biography. Retrieved August 17, 2018 .
  3. Frau Pabst: Rhönlexikon: Pfranger. Retrieved August 17, 2018 .
  4. Johann Georg Pfranger . In: Literaturland Thuringia . ( [accessed on August 17, 2018]).
  5. Karl Heinrich Jördens: Lexicon of German Poets and Proseists: NS, pp. 191 ff. Weidmann, 1809 ( [accessed on August 17, 2018]).
  6. ADB: Pfranger, Johann Georg - Wikisource. Retrieved August 17, 2018 .
  7. Hildburghausen hymn poet. Retrieved on August 17, 2018 (German).
  8. Os - Roq, p. 208 . Walter de Gruyter, 2010, ISBN 978-3-11-022045-2 ( [accessed on August 17, 2018]).
  9. Hennebergischer Altertumsforschender Verein: Chronicle of the City of Meiningen from 1676 to 1834, p. 124 ff. F. Keyssner, 1834 ( [accessed on August 18, 2018]).
  10. Interesting life paintings of the most memorable people of the eighteenth century by Samuel Baur Volume: 6, p. 616 ff. 1807 ( [accessed on August 18, 2018]).