Johann Gottfried Hempel

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Johann Gottfried Hempel (born October 2, 1752 in Berlinchen in the Neumark ; † May 24, 1817 in Berlin ) was a German physician , pharmacist and manufacturer .

Hempel received his doctorate in 1785 at the University of Helmstedt in the field of pharmaceuticals . He worked as a pharmacist in Berlin and published some scientific articles. From April 1788 to March 1796 he was a council member of the city of Budissin (Bautzen) as administrative inspector of the city hospital Hospital zum Taucher , and from March 1797 to April 1804 he was responsible for the attached hospital. For a while he was mayor of Budissin. In 1802 Hempel bought Oranienburg Castle, four miles from Berlin, for 12,000 thalers, and set up a cotton weaving mill there for the production of calico . He moved to Oranienburg in 1803. In 1814 he founded the chemical product factory in Oranienburg in Oranienburg Castle to start producing sulfuric acid using the lead chamber process . It was the first chemical factory in Prussia to use the lead chamber process.

Hempel was born with Dorothea Elisabeth. Naumann married. He was buried in Budissin's New Cemetery. The chemical factory founded by Hempel was continued from 1814 by Georg Friedrich Albrecht Hempel († 1836) together with the pharmacist Johann Heinrich Julius Staberoh.


  • Dissertationem Super Saxon. Decis. VII. De Anno 1746. 1770, 8 pages.
  • To the double naming feast of your electoral nobles of Saxony ... Friedrich August ... and Amalien Augusten , 1771.
  • De sale vitrioli . Pars prior. Helmstad 1785.
  • Pharmaceutical-chemical treatise on the nature of vegetable acids and the modifications to which they are subject; in addition to a chemical analysis of the winter and summer oak . Berlin 1794 Digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf
  • Crell's Chemische Annalen contains other articles signed by Hempel.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Albert Hessler: The mild foundations of the city of Budissin . First issue, Bautzen 1847, p. 119 and p. 148 .
  2. ^ Karl Albert Hessler: The mild foundations of the city of Budissin . Third volume, Bautzen 1850, p. 258 .
  3. Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung , No. 9 of January 18, 1804, p. 71. left column, fourth paragraph .
  4. ^ Karl Albert Hessler: The mild foundations of the city of Budissin . First issue, Bautzen 1850, p. 125 .