Johann Gottfried Koehler

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Johann Gottfried Köhler (born December 15, 1745 in Gauernitz near Dresden , † September 19, 1800 in Dresden) was a German astronomer .

Köhler was secretary of the Leipzig Economic Society from 1771 to 1776 . In 1776 he became "Inspector of the Mathematical Salon and the Art Chamber." As a result, he became an astronomer and made numerous observations, which he published in Franz Xaver von Zach's " monthly correspondence " magazine .

The sign of the planet Uranus

He discovered the galaxies Messier 59 and Messier 60 and the star cluster Messier 67 .

At his suggestion, the uranium symbol was introduced by Johann Elert Bode .

The year 1783 is the founding year for temporary work at the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon . After the death of Chief Inspector Johann Ernst Zeiher in 1784, no new Chief Inspector was appointed - Köhler actually took over his duties. Although the contact between Hans Moritz von Brühl and Franz Xaver von Zach and Johann George Palitzsch is known and Köhler valued the Palitzsch estate, a personal relationship with the Prohlis farmer astronomer has not been passed down.

Köhler was a participant in the First European Astronomers Congress in Gotha in 1798.



  • Peter Brosche: The Duchess's Astronomer: Life and Work of Franz Xaver von Zach (1754 - 1832) . (Acta Historica Astronomiae Vol. 12, 2nd extended edition) Frankfurt (Main) 2009 (via Köhler 42f, 71, 93, 101, 104, 106, 109, 117)
  • Klaus Schillinger: Johann Gottfried Köhler - inspector at the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon Dresden - active observer of the starry sky in the last quarter of the 18th century . In: The Master and the Telescopes . (Acta Historica Astronomiae Vol. 33) Frankfurt (Main) 2007, pp. 257-300
  • Klaus Schillinger: On the history of time determination and time indication at the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon . In: Dresden history book . Volume 7 (Ed. Stadtmuseum Dresden) Altenburg 2001, pp. 210–232
  • Siegmund GüntherJohann Gottfried Köhler . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 16, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1882, p. 444.
  • Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund : continuation ... to general scholarly lexicon . 3rd volume, 1810, 625/626
  • Georg H. Hollenberg: Remarks about various objects on a trip through some German provinces. Stendal 1782; P. 177ff.

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Footnotes and individual references

  1. Schillinger 2007, p. 294
  2. z. B. Astronomical Yearbook for 1802. Berlin 1799, p. 211 ; Karl Christian Kanis Gretschel , Friedrich Bülau : History of the Saxon people and state. Volume 3, Leipzig 1853, p. 298
  3. ^ Koehler's Deepsky Catalog , Bode: Astronomical Yearbook for the year 1782. Zweyter Part. Berlin 1779, p. 155f
  4. ^ Bode: Astronomical Yearbook for the year 1785. Berlin 1782, p. 191 ; Bode: From the newly discovered planet. 1784, p. 95 ; Gould: Report on the history of the discovery of Neptune. 1850, p. 5
  5. Schillinger 2007, p. 280f "On the basis of the time measurements necessary for determining length, a time service developed on the {MPS} , the year of which is 1783."
  6. Schillinger 2007, pp. 261f
  7. ... even if to be assumed, especially since Palitzsch is a member of Leipz. Econom. Soc. was, see e.g. B. Brosche 2009, p. 43 and Friedrich Theile: Johann Georg Palitzsch. Leipzig 1878