Johann Gottlieb Siegel

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Johann Gottlieb Siegel (born April 25, 1699 in Klosterhäseler , † 1755 in Leipzig ) was a German legal scholar.


Johann Gottlieb was the son of pastor Johann Georg Siegel (1692–1728) and his wife Amanda Helene Elisabeth, daughter of the auditor at the Dragoons Johann Gottfried Schuchardt. After training at home, he went to the Illustre Augusteum high school in Weißenfels in 1714 and moved to the University of Leipzig in 1717 . In Leipzig he attended lectures by Gottfried Polycarp Müller (1685–1747), Lüder Mencke (1658–1726), Johann Christoph Schacher (1667–1720) and Karl Otto Rechenberg (1689–1751).

For further studies he went to the University of Wittenberg . At that time Jakob Karl Spener (1684–1730), Johannes Balthasar Wernher , Christoph Heinrich von Berger , Gebhard Christian Bastineller , Gottfried Ludwig Mencke the Elder and Michael Heinrich Gribner were teachers of the law faculty there. In Wittenberg he obtained his licentiate in law on June 29, 1719, and received his doctorate in law on August 26, 1720 .

In 1734 he became a lawyer at the Saxon Court of Justice and at the consistory in Leipzig . On February 9, 1735 he became professor of feudal law at the law faculty of the Leipzig University and in 1740 consultant of the Leipzig merchants. In 1741 he was the university's syndic and in the winter semester 1753/54 rector of the alma mater .

Siegel had married Anna Catharina, daughter of the court doctor and personal physician in Quedlinburg Jakob Schmidt, on May 19, 1722 in Klosterhäseler. From this marriage the son Georg Gottlieb Siegel (1723–?) Is known as the author of legal writings.


Johann Gottlieb Siegel: Corpus juris cambialis , Leipzig, 1742 ... 1772.
  • Diss. (Praes. GL Menckenio) de rescissione emtiotionis et venditionis ex tunc et ex nunc (vulgo ut vocant). Leipzig 1719
  • Diss. De Indossato reconveniendo. Leipzig 1724
  • Diss. De fundamento iudicialis pecuniae deposìtionis in Processu cambiali iure Electorali Saxonico admittendae. Leipzig 1725
  • Diss. De creditoribus societatis privatis socii creditoribus non praeferendis. Leipzig 1725
  • Progr. An servitus confusione exstinctu fundo serviente rursus alienato reviviscat? Leipzig 1725
  • Diss. De legitimo successore hereditatem omitiente actionis funerariae reo. Leipzig 1725
  • Diss. De iure congrui in Thuringia; from the playmaker in Thuringia. Leipzig 1726
  • The cautious change - creditor. Leipzig 1726 then under the title: Fearful Bill of Exchange Creditor; That is: Thorough instruction of what those who desire to securely lend their money on bills of exchange have to observe both before, as well as during and after the bill of exchange has closed. - Another edition, to which many remarks and the other part of the prudence to be careful when changing bills, added. Leipzig 1739, third edition, edited with some notes by D. Aug. Friedr. Schott, Leipzig 1776
  • Diss. De iure pedum: on the right of the feet. Leipzig 1726, 1744
  • Diss. De cautione fideicommissorum nomine, praestanda. Leipzig 1728
  • Program inaug. de litterarum reversalium feudalhim iustitia et nequitate. Leipzig 1735
  • Dissertation to hypotheca tacita in feudo debito feudali contrahatur? Leipzig 1736
  • Diss. Prima de litteris feudi reversalibus a simultaneous investitis exbibitis; von Lehns - reverses of those fellow tenants. Leipzig 1736, Diss. II. Leipzig 1738
  • Diss. De rerum haereditariarum usucapione. Leipzig 1736
  • Diss. De testatore suae voluntatis interprete. Leipzig 1737
  • Principia iuris feudalis ex iure Imperii, Germanico, Longobardico, atque Electorali Saxonico deprompta, et usui fori accommodata, Leipzig 1738, Editio nova auctior. Leipzig 1746
  • Tractatus de litteris investiturarum, from loan letters cui varine litterarum investiturarium copiae, variaque praeiudicia novissima in appendice adiecta. Leipzig 1739
  • Diss. De arbitrio, ex iuribus Romanis et Germanicis illustrato: from the verdict of their arbitration judges, according to Roman and German rights. Leipzig 1739
  • Diss. De genuino privilegiorum conceptu. Leipzig 1741
  • Diss. De feudo pignoralitio re fundamenti et utilitatis egena: of the pledge-loan, as an unfounded and useless thing. Leipzig 1742
  • Corpus iuris cambialis; That is: Complete collection of the very latest bill of exchange regulations customary in other places in Europe, which Mr. D, König's sel. comments made on the Leipzig bill of exchange regulations changed and improved in many pieces, also with a large one Number of new Praeiudicrorum increased; At the same time, a summary content, belonging to every bill of exchange - order, both selected cases that occurred in the bill of exchange negotio with the pareres given about it, also finally an introduction to the bill of exchange law in general, where the real understanding and obscure passages are clear in many bill of exchange arrangements Explanation is shown. 2 parts. Leipzig 1742
    • First continuation of the Corporis iuris cambialis, or the complete collection of the very latest bill of exchange and commercial court regulations, which the once highly famous Mr. Prof. Siegel zu Leipzig published in two parts by Joh. Ludwig Uhl. Leipzig 1758 2nd continuation. Leipzig 1764, 3rd continuation. Leipzig 1771, 4th continuation. Leipzig 1786 The introduction to the bill of exchange law mentioned on the title also appeared especially Leipzig 1734, 2nd edition, under the title: Introduction. on the law of exchange in general, in which sentences drawn from the latest exchange regulations customary in Europe according to their natural order, both different laws of exchange of dark places, clear explanation, and in the absence of the provision in the exchange regulations, principles borrowed from general rights, along with many principles explaining the usum fori, to be located. Leipzig 1751, 3rd enlarged edition by AF Schott, Leipzig 1773
  • Diss. De bonis uxoris malitiosae desertricis; of a woman's fortune, leaving her husband viciously. Leipzig 1743
  • Diss. De simultanea investitura, sine consensu Vasalli impetrata: on the co-lending which is obtained without the consent of the feudal husband. Leipzig 1743
  • Diss. Observationes forenses varii argumenti sistens. Leipzig 1745
  • Diss. De feudo foemineo proprio. Leipzig 1745
  • Diss. De dolo translationem dominii impediente. Leipzig 1748
  • Diss. De divisione feudi successionem fimultanee investitorum non restringente. Leipzig 1748
  • Diss. Selecta iuris Rigensium cambialis capita explicata, atque observationibus illustrata. Leipzig 1751
  • Progr. De iure superficiario reali quidem, ad dominium utile vero haud trahendo. Leipzig 1755
  • Diss. De legitima ex feudo petenda. Leipzig 1755
  • Progr. De invalida uxoris promissione da iurata SCti Vellejani renunciatione. Leipzig 1754
  • Progr. De differentia inter feudum haereditarium in foeminas transitorium et foemineum. Leipzig 1754


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Walter Friedensburg : History of the University of Wittenberg. Max Niemeyer, Halle (Saale) 1917, pp. 564-567
  2. ^ Fritz Juntke: Album Academiae Vitebergensis - Younger Series . Part 3, Halle (Saale) 1966, p. 443
  3. Veronika Albrecht-Birkner : Pastor book of the church province of Saxony. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2008, ISBN 978-3-374-02140-6 , p. 248