Johann Ludwig Wurstemberger

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Johann Ludwig Wurstemberger (born February 25, 1783 in Bern ; † January 15, 1862 there ) was a Swiss officer , politician and historian .


His father Johann Ludwig Wurstemberger († 1819) was a "Landmajor" in Bern and a member of the Small Council. His mother was Anna Susanna Katharina Wild .

He took part in the Stecklikkrieg and made a career as an officer of genius : in 1805 he became a captain and in 1826 a colonel in the federal general staff ; from 1830 to 1832 he was chief quartermaster .

From 1809 to 1831 Wurstemberger was Bernese Grand Councilor . As Oberamtmann of Frutigen , Wurstemberger became a well-known administrative specialist from 1811 to 1817. After his civil service he became a well-known historian , an opponent of regeneration . Despite his patrician view of history, his work shows the beginnings of critical historiography.

Wurstemberger was married to Wilhelmine von Prussia's lady-in-waiting Sophie de Larrey. Their daughter Sophie (1809–1878) was the founder of the Bernese Deaconess House and married Johann Friedrich Dändliker (1821–1900).


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Christoph Zürcher: Wurstemberger, Johann Ludwig. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .