Johann Peter Wilckens

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Johann Peter Wilckens (born September 21, 1776 in ranks ; † June 25, 1857 in Heidelberg ) had been in the Baden state service since 1808 and was prematurely retired in 1829.


Wilckens was born as the son of Wilhelm Ludwig Wilckens (* 1732 in Neckargemünd ; † March 2, 1808 in rows) and Elisabeth Katharina, born Gelan († 1825). His father was a pastor in ranks, and his mother was the daughter of the Reformed pastor Gelan in Hundsbach . Johann Peter Wilckens married Julie Theresia née Syre (* June 24, 1783; † before 1857), daughter of Johann Heinrich Syre zu Miltenberg . Wilcken's marriage resulted in five children: August Karl Heinrich (born March 26, 1808, † March 5, 1890); Emilie (born June 25, 1810; † 1874); Carl Friedrich Georg (born August 9, 1813; † October 22, 1813); Hermann (born June 24, 1817); Christian August Friedrich (born July 11, 1820 in Eppingen; † January 25, 1906).


Johann Peter Wilckens studied law at the University of Heidelberg and was 1803 Dikasterial -Advokat in Miltenberg. Then from 1806 councilor at the Princely Leiningen Reformed Church Council in Mosbach . In 1808 he became bailiff in Heidelberg and then until 1813 bailiff in Gochsheim at the dissolved Oberamt Gochsheim and at the new office in Eppingen , which was only moved to Eppingen in 1814. On March 19, 1824, he was appointed chief police officer at the Mannheim district office .

As of June 1, 1829, he was prematurely retired due to "poor management". His requests for reinstatement are denied and he lived in Mannheim and Karlsruhe until his death .

Individual evidence

  1. Ortssippenbuch Eppingen No. 11 368


  • Bernd Breitkopf: The old districts and their heads of office. The emergence of the districts and offices in what is today the district of Karlsruhe. Biographies of the senior officials and district administrators from 1803 to 1997 . Regional culture publishing house, Ubstadt-Weiher 1997, ISBN 3-929366-48-7 , pp. 188-189.
  • Karl Diefenbacher: Ortssippenbuch Eppingen in Kraichgau . Interest group Badischer Ortssippenbücher, Lahr-Dinglingen 1984 ( German Ortssippenbücher, series A. Volume 109) ( Badische Ortssippenbücher . Volume 52).