Johann Röling

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Johann Röling (born September 23, 1634 in Lütjenburg ; † August 25, 1680 in Königsberg (Prussia) ) was a German poet and hymn poet.


The son of the chief inspector of the Count's Rantzau estates, Liborius Röling, and his wife Magarethe had initially attended the school and grammar school in Lübeck . At the age of eighteen he attended the Stettin grammar school . In 1656 he moved to the University of Rostock to study theological sciences. His formative teachers at that time were Johann Georg Dorsche , August Varenius (1620–1684), with whom he lived, and Andreas Tscherning . Together with his friend Daniel Georg Morhof , he devoted himself to poetry. In Rostock he had been asked to acquire a master's degree, but he turned down the proposal. He couldn't see the usefulness of such a title if he didn't want to pursue an academic background.

His mind changed when Simon Dach died. On April 28, 1659, he turned to the Elector Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg and applied to him for the completed professorship at the University of Königsberg . The elector accepted his offer and presented Röling to the University of Königsberg. Thereupon Röling acquired the academic degree of a master’s degree in philosophy in Rostock on July 26, 1659 and went to Königsberg. There he took up the professorship of poetry on May 5, 1661 with the dissertation de metro poetico .

His initial euphoria soon gave way to the arduous realities of the position. Above all, the inadequate financial remuneration bothered him, which his predecessor had already experienced. So he tried to supplement his income mainly through occasional poems. Over 700 poems, funeral, wedding and celebratory speeches from his pen have survived. Of his spiritual poems, the song “What should I, dearest Jesus, etc.” was included in the hymnbook of East and West Prussia. The songs " I come Jesus, here to you etc. ", What should I, dearest Jesus you etc. , dearest Jesus, consolation of hearts etc. found their way into hymn books in many cases.

His main literary collection Teutscher Oden alone contains 98 other sacred chants. In order to alleviate his financial hardship, he was given the task of inspecting the alumni in 1667. He also took part in the organizational tasks of the Königsberg University. He was dean of the philosophical faculty several times and in the summer semester of 1670 and in the winter semester of 1677/78 he was rector of the Alma Mater . On April 23, 1680, a serious illness struck him and he died. His body was buried on the 31st of the month in the professors' vault of the Königsberg Cathedral .

Röling married Maria († April 20, 1679), daughter of the electoral architect and mill master Johann Wegner, in Königsberg on June 20, 1661. The marriage produced eight sons and four daughters. Only three sons survived him.


  • Θςηνοπάτςια, poemation latinum. Rostock 1659
  • Teutscher Oden Sonderbahres book of spiritual things. Koenigsberg 1672
  • Disp. de metro poetices. Koenigsberg 1661


  • Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt : Detailed and documented history of the Königsberg University. Johann Heinrich Hartung, Königsberg in Prussia, 1746, 2nd part, p. 402
  • Georg Christoph Pisanski: Draft of a Prussian literary history in four books. Hartung Verlag, Königsberg, 1886, pp. 408, 414, 418
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : General Scholar Lexicon, Darinne the scholars of all classes, both male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world to the present day, and made themselves known to the learned world, After their birth, life, remarkable stories, Withdrawals and writings from the most credible scribes are described in alphabetical order. Verlag Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, Leipzig, 1751, Vol. 3, Sp 2169
  • Rölingius, Johann. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 32, Leipzig 1742, column 281.
  • Hermann Oesterley: Johann Röling. In: Franz Schnorr von Carolsfeld: Archive for the history of literature. Verlag Teubner, Leipzig, 1879, vol. 8, p. 173 ff.
  • Erich Schmidt:  Röling, Johann . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 29, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1889, p. 74 f.

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