Johann Volckmar

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Johann Volckmar, engraving by Martin Bernigeroth after a painting by Elias Galli

Johann Volckmar (born September 23, 1660 in Hamburg ; † November 27, 1715 ibid) was a German Evangelical Lutheran clergyman, chief pastor at St. Katharinen and senior at the Ministry of Spirituality in Hamburg.


Johann Volckmar was a son of the pastor in Uetersen Peter Volckmar (1631–1679). He attended the Johanneum School of Academics until 1675 and the Latin School in Itzehoe from 1675 to 1677 . He then studied Protestant theology at the universities of Leipzig , Rostock and Copenhagen . In 1684 he was respondent to a disputation chaired by Johannes Olearius in Leipzig on the office of keys .

In 1688 he was appointed preacher at the Danish legation in Paris . In 1693 he accompanied the Danish Crown Prince and later King Friedrich IV. On his Grand Tour as a travel preacher . In 1694 he was appointed pastor in Itzehoe and provost of the Propstei Pinneberg .

In 1696, the Hamburg council appointed him to succeed Abraham Hinckelmann as chief pastor at the main church of St. Katharinen. On October 6, 1698 he received his doctorate as Dr. theol. by the theological faculty of the University of Wittenberg . From 1705 until his death, as successor to Johann Winckler, he was at the same time senior of the Hamburg Ministry of Spirituality and thus, as Primus inter pares, the leading Lutheran clergyman in Hamburg. His successor as main pastor was Johann Christoph Wolf after his death .

The library he left behind was cataloged and the theological volumes were auctioned in 1724.


  • De Potestate Iudicaria Circa Ministry Clavium, Annuente ... Facultate Theologica, Sub Praesidio Viri ... Dn. Johannis Olearii, SS. Theol. Doctoris & Prof. Publ. ... Capituli Cizensis electi Canonici, Maioris Principum Collegii Collegiati, nec non Saxonicae Nationis Senioris ... disputabit A. & R. Johannes Volckmar, SS. Theol. Studiosus: Ad d. April VIII. Anno M.DC.LXXXIV. Lipsiae: Typis Gözianis 1684
  • Memoria Friderici Corfeyi Iusti Cum Laudibus. Or a funeral speech / Bey highly respectable funeral of the high noble / Vesten and highly educated Mr. / Mr. Friederich Korfey / famous Iuris-Consulti and Doctoris, Wolbetreuten Hochgräfl. Rantzouischen Rahts and Syndici des Hochadelichen Convents Utersen / as well as long-standing highly esteemed Land- und Cantzeley -gericht Advocati, now Wolseligen: Who like him in his life the Wercke / so after his death has the fame of a righteous person / in the evening the 4th Martii held in the church in Crempe / and subsequently finished for printing at the request of the death house. Glückstadt: Janßen 1696


  • Johann Jacob Rademann: The light of the old church year that was setting, the light of the church that was extinguished by the darkness of death, As it was in ... Mr. Johann Volckmar, The salvation. Writes Highly Famous Doctore, the Christian Church to St. Catharines ... Pastore ... On ... November 27th. this MDCCXV. Year ... seemed to be extinguished, and ... drafted in a ... weekly sermon. Hamburg 1715 ( digitized version )
  • Hans Schröder: Lexicon of the Hamburg writers up to the present. Volume 7, Hamburg 1879, No. 4176
  • Hans Bruhn: The candidates of the Hamburg Church from 1654 to 1825. Album candidatorum. Hamburg: JJ Augustin 1963 (The Hamburg Church and its Clergy since the Reformation, Volume III), p. 1119, No. 237

Web links

Commons : Johann Volckmar  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. Bibliotheca Volckmariana: quae libros in omni facultate ... complectitur, a beato Joh. Volckmaro ... collecta, cujus pars prior, qua libri theologici continentur, publico auctionis ritu distrahetur. Hamburg 1724 ( digitized version )
predecessor Office successor
Abraham Hinckelmann Chief Pastor to St. Katharinen in Hamburg
1696 - 1705
Johann Christoph Wolf