Johann Wilhelm Hauswaldt

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Johann Wilhelm Hauswaldt (born August 28, 1846 in Magdeburg , † November 14, 1900 in Magdeburg) was a merchant and Royal Prussian Councilor of Commerce .


Hauswaldt was the son of the merchant Johann Georg Hauswaldt. After completing a commercial apprenticeship at Schoch & Sohn , he began working for the family company Johann Gottlieb Hauswaldt, which was founded in Neustadt near Magdeburg in 1781 . In 1866 and 1867, Hauswaldt continued his training in Hamburg and England .

In 1869, Hauswaldt became the authorized signatory of the family business that was involved in the production of chocolate . After the death of his father, the 26-year-old Hauswaldt became a co-owner of the company. From 1887 he ran the company together with Hans Hauswaldt .

Since 1873 Hauswaldt belonged to the Magdeburg corporation of merchants . In late 1879, he was appointed to the corporation's college of elders . In 1889, Hauswaldt was elected as the second chairman to succeed Otto Hubbe . Hauswaldt held this office until 1898. In this office he worked to convert the corporation into a chamber of commerce . Between 1879 and 1885 Hauswaldt also worked as a commercial judge.

In 1873 Hauswaldt became city councilor for Neustadt, and from 1878 city council chief. Here he campaigned for the incorporation of Neustadt into Magdeburg. After this incorporation actually took place in 1886, Hauswaldt was then a city councilor in Magdeburg. Hauswaldt was also active in the state parliament of the Prussian province of Saxony.

Hauswaldt was socially committed to the Neustädter Verein for poor and sick care. He created the "Wilhelm Hauswaldt Foundation", which was committed to art and was administered by the Chamber of Commerce after his death. Hauswaldt was also a collector of coins, medals and minerals. His mineral collection is now in the possession of the Magdeburg Museum of Nature and Local History . He was a member of the Magdeburg Freemason Lodge Ferdinand for happiness .


In 1890 Hauswaldt was awarded the title of Royal Prussian Council of Commerce. The city of Magdeburg temporarily named a street in his honor as Hauswaldtstraße .


  • Renate Milenz: Hauswaldt, Johann Wilhelm. In: Guido Heinrich, Gunter Schandera (ed.): Magdeburg Biographical Lexicon 19th and 20th centuries. Biographical lexicon for the state capital Magdeburg and the districts of Bördekreis, Jerichower Land, Ohrekreis and Schönebeck. Scriptum, Magdeburg 2002, ISBN 3-933046-49-1 .