Johannes Knebel

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Johannes Knebel (* 1413/1415; † 1481 or 1483 ) was a cleric , notary and chronicler from Basel .

life and work

Johannes Knebel, son of the guild master zu Webern, studied at the University of Erfurt from 1432 . In 1435 he received his doctorate in Heidelberg as a Bachelor of Artium . After his ordination in 1441 Knebel was chaplain of the Basel cathedral provost Georg von Andlau , also canon of Lautenbach (Alsace), imperial notary and from 1460 notary of the newly founded University of Basel . He wrote a three-volume chronicle of current affairs called the "Diarium" . The two surviving volumes cover the years 1473–1479 and contain copied and attached documents, summaries, reports and comments. The chronicle is an important source on the situation of the city of Basel during the Burgundian Wars .



Web links

Wikisource: Burgundian Wars  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Regula Schmid Keeling: Knebel, Johannes. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. Peter-Johannes Schuler:  Knebel, Johannes. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 12, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1980, ISBN 3-428-00193-1 , p. 168 f. ( Digitized version ).