Johannes Mundhenk

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Johannes Mundhenk (born June 12, 1909 in Düsseldorf , † 1986 ) was a Baptist theologian, philosopher and classical philologist. He gained particular fame through his work on the Externsteine .


Johannes Mundhenk grew up in a pastor's family. His parents were the Baptist preacher Hugo Mundhenk (1880–1945) and his wife Elisabeth, née Martens (1885–1964). He was born in Düsseldorf, where his father was pastor of the local Baptist congregation from 1907. In 1913 Hugo Mundhenk moved with his family to Göttingen and in 1921 to Kolberg (Pomerania) .

Johannes Mundhenk graduated from the Kolberger Gymnasium with the Abitur and matriculated at the Baptist Theological Seminary in Hamburg-Horn in the winter semester of 1931 . A year later he continued his theological studies at the Baptist Regent's Park College , which had moved from London to Oxford in 1927 . In 1934/1935 Mundhenk received his doctorate at the Evangelical Theological Faculty of the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen with a dissertation on the theory of the soul of Thomas Aquinas . Since the book was also well received by the Catholic-Theological Faculty of Tübingen , Arthur Schneider offered to publish it in a series of publications he had published at the Felix Meiner publishing house in Leipzig. Since this did not succeed due to the "unfavorable time conditions", the work was not published in full until 1980 at the instigation of the Dominican Father Paulus Engelhardt under the title The soul in the system of Thomas Aquinas .

In 1935, Mundhenk began his pastoral service as the second pastor of the Baptist congregation in Bochum with an official focus on Hamme . After marrying in 1943 with Elfriede Thiele, military service in the Soviet Union and captivity 1945/1946 in France was Mundhenk 1946-1951 lecturer at the Theological Seminary of the Federation of Evangelical Free Churches , which bombed in 1943, temporarily in Bible school Wiedenest was housed and only 1948 was able to return to Hamburg-Horn. In the report booklet on the Federal Council meeting of the Federation of Evangelical Free Churches in Germany [...] (September 4 to 7, 1947) it says: “At the start of the new school year on 3.9. In 1946 Brother Mundhenk was introduced to his new position as teacher of the seminary. In him the seminar has found a very capable teacher and loving co-worker. Brother Mundhenk initially took over [the subjects] church history and New Testament theology, as well as philosophy and Greek ”.

From 1951 Mundhenk worked as a teacher for ancient languages ​​and Russian at high schools in Hamburg. Mundhenk's research on the history of the Externsteine , published in four volumes from 1980–1983, is significant . His papers on this research area can be found in the North Rhine-Westphalia State Archives, East Westphalia-Lippe Department in Detmold .

Publications (selection)

  • The concepts of “participation” and “light” in the psychology and epistemology of Thomas Aquinas . Konred Triltsch, Würzburg 1935 (also dissertation, University of Tübingen).
  • The Bible and the Jewish problem (sermon lecture). In: auxiliary messenger. 2nd half-year volume 1939, pp. 27–32.
  • The income from two supplicas from 1429/30 addressed to the Pope for the history of the Externstein Chapel . In: Westphalian magazine . Volume 126/127, 1976/1977, pp. 201-227 ( PDF; 14.7 MB ).
  • The soul in the system of Thomas Aquinas. A contribution to the clarification and assessment of the basic concepts of Thomistic psychology . Felix Meiner, Hamburg 1980.
  • Research on the history of the Externsteine (= Lippische Studien. Volumes 5–8). 4 volumes. Wagener, Lemgo 1980–1983, ISBN 3-921-42831-9 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Federation of Evangelical Free Churches (Ed.): Festschrift to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the seminary of the Evangelical Free Churches (Baptists) in Germany . Hamburg-Horn 1955, p. 55.
  2. Gravestone on the city ​​cemetery (Göttingen) at : Hugo Mundhenk, Elisabeth Mundhenk, geb. Martens , accessed March 14, 2017.
  3. Baptists Düsseldorf: Congregational Chronicle: Hugo Mundhenk , viewed on February 19, 2017.
  4. ^ Preliminary remarks 1980. In: Johannes Mundhenk: The soul in the system of Thomas von Aquin. A contribution to the clarification and assessment of the basic concepts of Thomistic psychology . Felix Meiner, Hamburg 1980.
  5. ^ Immanuelskirche Bochum: History , accessed on February 18, 2017.
  6. ^ Günter Balders et al. (Ed.): Festschrift 100 years of theological seminar. 1880-1980 . Wuppertal / Kassel 1980, pp. 141 and 144.
  7. Rudolf Donat (Ed.): Through valleys - over heights. 4th to 7th September 1947. Federal Council meeting of the Federation of Evangelical Free Churches in Germany, Kdö.R., in Düsseldorf, Ackerstraße 79 . JG Oncken Successor, Stuttgart 1948, p. 27 ( report to the Federal Council on the seminar 1946/47 )
  8. Johannes Mundhenk's estate in the State Archive of North Rhine-Westphalia, East Westphalia-Lippe Department