Johannes Rotlöben

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Johannes Rotlöben (1641) engraved by Dirk Diricks

Johannes Rotlöben (born August 4, 1593 in Wittenberg , † March 22, 1649 in Hadersleben ) was a Lutheran clergyman.


Johannes Rotlöben grew up in Wittenberg, where he began and completed his university studies after attending school. In 1622 he became pastor of Anna of Prussia , the widow of the Brandenburg Elector Johann Sigismund . As court preacher he looked after the daughter of the two, Princess Maria Eleonora of Brandenburg as Queen of Sweden and was at the same time pastor of the German community in Stockholm until 1639. He returned to Germany and entered the service of the Archbishop of Bremen , Duke Friedrich of Denmark , In 1642 he was appointed by Bremervörde as the castle preacher and provost of the Pinneberg provost in Glückstadt .

In Glückstadt he had literary arguments with the former Durlach general superintendent Isaac Föckler, who lived here, and the sophronism , a form of socinianism, which he also propagated in the Elbmarschen . When Andreas Koch in Gluckstadt his appeared clergy armory , a comprehensive three-volume book of devotion in octavo with a circumference of about 1300 pages.

In 1643 he became pastor and professor at Sorø Akademi . From there he was transferred to the Marienkirche Hadersleben as provost, castle preacher and consistorial director in 1646 , where he died in 1649. His colleague Stephan Klotz gave him the funeral sermon.


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Individual evidence

  1. from 1648 as Friedrich III. King of Denmark.