Johannes Stallmann

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Johannes Stallmann , also Johann or Johannes Stahlmann or Stalmann (* 1577 on Gut Stall near Lüttringhausen ; † 1635 ) was a Lord Mayor of Büdingen , later Chancellor of Anhalt , and finally during the Thirty Years' War a court and war councilor in the Swedish service, which in particular through his participation became well known for the failed Egelner murder plot against Johan Banér .


Early years

Johannes Stallmann was born in 1577 on the Gute Stall near Lüttringhausen in the Beyenburg district. His parents, the impoverished owners of the estate, probably still called themselves vom or zum Stall, whereas he preferred the name Stallmann all his life. As a result of various war riots, he was forced to change schools several times in his youth. Completely impoverished, he saved himself from starvation by singing in front of his houses after his arrival in Emmerich am Rhein in the winter of 1591. A little later, however, he began studying law at the High School in Herborn and practiced as a lawyer in Steinfurt from 1603 .


As early as 1609, his expertise gave him a position as high school student of Büdingen . Shortly thereafter, in 1612, he was appointed to the Princely Anhalt Council in Köthen , where he later made momentous acquaintance with the administrator Christian Wilhelm von Brandenburg . In 1628 he voluntarily resigned from Prince Ludwig I of Anhalt-Köthen to enter the service of King Christian IV of Denmark . As early as 1630, however, it was again run as the Anhalt Council. In May of the same year, however, he traveled to Sweden on the instructions of the deposed administrator to join King Gustav Adolf of Sweden . His reputation increased rapidly, and he sailed back to Germany with him in June , in order, as his envoy and councilor, together with Christian Wilhelm von Brandenburg, to persuade and incite the Magdeburg citizens to apostate from the imperial ones and to revolt against them. During the conquest of Magdeburg by Tilly in May 1631 he was imprisoned, but immediately escaped his imprisonment and entered the service of Prince Ludwig again and was immediately made governor of the Principality of Anhalt and Chancellor of the Halberstadt and Magdeburg monasteries through King Gustav Adolf , he also gave him the monastery of God's grace at Calbe (Saale) . After his death, however, he was not confirmed in his offices because he was not trusted due to his reformed religion and he resisted Oxenstierna's order to convert to the Lutheran faith on oath. In addition, the monastery of God's grace was soon occupied by Johan Banér . This evidently unleashed a wild hatred of Stallmann towards the Swedes.

Egelner murder plot

The Swedish headquarters at that time was in Egeln . Together with Jakob Capaun, Stallmann devised a plan to shoot Johan Banér while riding out of the neighborhood and set leeches on fire, or alternatively to stab him in his apartment. Stallmann also tried to include Lieutenant Colonel von Platow, who had recently been deposed by Banér, in the murder plan. However, on April 13, 1635, the latter brought his former master the very same letter in which Stallmann tried to win him over to the conspiracy. After initial hesitation, Banér Stallmann tried to get hold of, who had fled towards Poland , but was arrested on the Oder on July 16, 1635 . To avoid punishment, Stallmann tried in vain to stab himself with a bread knife . He was arrested. Against the accusation of the anti-Swedish conspiracy, he defended himself against the proceedings with eight objections. However, it did not come to the end of the proceedings: Stallmann incited the corporal guarding him so that he was ready to flee with him. Together they settled on imperial territory in Vienna . Stallmann is said to have died in 1635 on a trip to Prague , which is uncertain, some sources indicate that he was executed in Magdeburg a few years later .

Wittich summed up in his verdict:

“Stalmann must have had a way of talking and persuading that was impressive; The dexterity of this man, who was previously involved in all kinds of political action, the certainty of his appearance cannot be ignored, but neither is his worthless mendacity. He was a homeless selfish adventurer, an unscrupulous gambler, and a swindler such as there was no worse even in those troubled times. In order to provide himself and his masters (for he had different ones in turn), he never made a conscience about giving the most lying, brazen assurances. What Guericke, telling how he tried to lure Magdeburg, teaches in this regard is only a single fragment of his shameless policy of fraud. Stalmann's name has been branded like that of a criminal in history; Only a few years later he had to pay for a shameful traitor to the Swedes himself on the sheep. "


Since 1632 Stallmann belonged to the fruit-bearing society . His sons Johannes and Philipp Emmerich Stallmann, who had also been in the Swedish service at first, were also imprisoned for his machinations in Köthen, but fled like their father to imperial territory and later lived in Grafenegg in Austria, one of them as senior magistrate , the other as a hermit. Together with her sister Amöna Amalia they converted to the Catholic faith . Her sister Christina Elisabeth stayed in Köthen and married the princely messenger master Andreas Georg Behmer.


  • Johann Franz Buddeus : General historical lexicon , Part IV, Leipzig 1722, page 410 ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  • Bogislaw Philipp von Chemnitz : Royal Swedish war waged in Germany 2nd part , p. 730f.
  • Otto von Guericke : History of the Siege, Conquest and Destruction of Magdeburg , 2nd edition, Magdeburg 1887
  • PAGUS NEGLICTI ET NUDZICI or detailed diplomatic-historical description of the former primacy and inheritance, but now secularized Duchy of Magdeburg as a result of the Westphalian peace treaty, Hall-Kreyses Halle 1755, in relocation of the orphanage, p. 414 f

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Johann Franz Buddeus : General historical lexicon , Part IV, Leipzig 1722, page 410 ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  2. a b c d
  3. a b
  5. PAGUS NEGLICTI ET NUDZICI or detailed diplomatic-historical description of the former primacy and inheritance, but now secularized Duchy of Magdeburg due to the Westphalian peace treaty, Hall-Kreyses Hall 1755, in relocation of the orphanage, p. 414 f