Jole Bovio Marconi

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Jole Bovio Marconi (born January 21, 1897 in Rome , † April 14, 1986 in Palermo ) was an Italian archaeologist .


Jole Bovio was the daughter of the high Piedmontese civil servant Giovanni Bovio and his wife Giulia Beccaria, a descendant of Cesare Beccaria , a legal philosopher and criminal law reformer.

She studied in Rome at the La Sapienza University of Lettere until 1921 and received her doctorate in topografia romana ; She obtained her diploma from the Regia Scuola di Archeologia di Roma , the Royal School of Archeology in Rome. Bovio was a scholarship holder at the Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene from 1923 to 1924 . There she met her future husband Pirro Marconi during excavations in Rhodes and in Constantinople . Both returned to Italy in 1926, having applied for positions as Ispettore aggiunto . He was accepted in Padua , she in Ancona.

In 1927 the couple moved to Palermo, where Pirro Marconi became director of the National Museum in Palermo at the instigation of Paolo Orsis . In addition, he obtained the Ufficio alle Antichità della Sicilia occidentale (until 1932). Jole Bovio Marconi was also Ispettore in the same office. In 1928 she gave birth to her daughter Marina, who later became Marina Marconi Causi.

She began her work on ancient monuments in Sicily , particularly in the provinces of Palermo, Trapani and Agrigento . Their first excavation site was Boccadifalco in Palermo, where a Bronze Age site in the port area came to light from 1933 to 1935 . On the basis of a copper find , she was able to date a burial site to the Eneolithic , although it had long been assumed that it came from the Neolithic . The excavation publications were regularly published in the " Notes degli Scavi di Antichità" . In 1938 a fascicle was created in the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum on Greek vases in the National Museum.

In 1937 Bovio succeeded Paolino Mingazzini as director of the museum. In the same year she dug in the Grotta del Vecchiuzzo near Petralia Sottana and on the megaliths of Cefalù . In 1938 her husband was killed in an airplane accident while returning from Albania. As a result, she rose from employed director to executive director (dirrettore effettivo) of the Museum of Palermo.

Jole Bovio Marconi was a member of Fildis, the first women's association on the island, as well as the Soroptimist Club , which was also dedicated to equality for women.

Temple E of Selinunte

In 1939 she became soprintendente di II classe for the provinces of Palermo and Trapani. This made her the first woman in this position alongside Bruna Forlati Tamaro . In 1941 she became Reggente delle Soprintendenze di Agrigento e Caltanissetta . During this time she dug in a Roman necropolis and a Christian hypogeum near Agrigento. She eventually headed the museum and the Soprintendenza . She filled this position until the 1960s.

The monastery of San Martino delle Scale recorded numerous artifacts that Bovio Marconi had brought there during the Second World War.

During the Second World War , she personally brought monuments from the museum to safety by taking them to the monastery of San Martino delle Scale .

After the end of the war, she participated in the collection of the rescued pieces and the reconstruction of the south wing of the museum on Via Bara, which was destroyed on April 5, 1943. The house reopened in April 1952. The Conca d'Oro (3rd millennium BC) and the Grotta del Vecchiuzzo were among her fields of work in 1944.

Jole Bovio Marconi received the Chair of Preistoria at the Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia of the University of Palermo . After all, she worked on the Temple of Segesta and was one of the driving forces behind the rebuilding of the Temple of Selinunte .

She was a member of numerous scientific associations, became Commendatore della Repubblica and in 1963 received the Medaglia d'oro al merito della Cultura for her services to culture .

Works (selection)

  • Le figure angolari dei sarcofagi figurati romani , in: Bullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di Roma 52 (1924) 150–175.
  • Museo Nazionale di Palermo, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Italia XIV , I, Rome 1938.
  • Pirro Marconi, in memoria , in: Archivio Storico Siciliano 4-5 (1938-39) 574-581.
  • La coltura tipo Conca d'Oro della Sicilia north-occidentale, in: Monumenti Antichi dei Lincei 40 (1944) 1-170.
  • Il riordinamento del Museo Nazionale di Palermo dopo le distruzioni del 1940-44 , Soprintendenza alle antichità per la Sicilia occidentale, Palermo 1952, pp. 5-9.
  • La questione dei Sicani , in: Bollettino del Centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani 2 (1954) 13-20.
  • Indagine scientifica e tutela monumentale nelle province di Palermo e Trapani nel quinquennio 1950-54 , La Giara, special edition 1955, pp. 307-340.
  • La zona nord-occidentale della Sicilia , La ricerca archeologica nell'Italia meridionale, Naples 1960, pp. 223-238.
  • Sulla diffusione del bicchiere campa-niforme in Sicilia, in: Kokalos IX (1963) 93-128 (on the bell beaker culture in Sicily).
  • La grotta del Vecchiuzzo presso Petralia Sottana , Bretschneider, Rome 1979.


  • Giuseppina Battaglia, Giuliana Sarà: Jole Bovio Marconi, in: 150 anni di Preistoria e Protostoria in Italia. Atti della XLVI Riunione Scientifica dell'Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria , Rome November 23-26, 2011, Rome 2015, pp. 955–963.
  • Art. Jole Bovio Marconi. 1897-1986 , in: M. Fiume (Ed.): Siciliane. Dizionario biografico , E. Romeo, Syrakus 2006, p. 444 f.

Web links


  1. M. Fiume: Siciliane. Dizionario biografico , E. Romeo, 2006, p. 21.