Paolino Mingazzini

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Paolino Mingazzini (born January 4, 1895 in Rome ; died March 4, 1977 there ) was an Italian classical archaeologist .



Paolino Mingazzini was the son of Giovanni Mingazzini and his wife Helene Bobrik of German descent. His father was a professor of neurology and psychiatry at the University of Rome and head of the local psychiatric hospital S. Maria della Pietà. Paolino Mingazzini began studying Classical Archeology at La Sapienza University in Rome with Emanuel Loewy . Due to the outbreak of the First World War , in which he participated as a conscript, he had to interrupt his studies, at the same time his academic teacher was expelled from the country as an Austrian citizen in 1915. After the war Paolino Mingazzini was founded in 1919 with a thesis on pre-Greek cults Crete doctorate . A scholarship took him from May 1920 to May 1921 at the Scuola Archeologica Italiana in Athens , which was then directed by Alessandro Della Seta , also a student of Loewy. Scientific results included his research into the depiction of Heracles' apotheosis in Greek vase painting, which he began at the suggestion of Della Seta during the scholarship period, and his investigation of the grotto on the north side of the Athens Acropolis .

Preservation of monuments and museums in Campania

After returning to Rome and receiving financial support from his father, he devoted himself to taking stock of important collections, such as the Villa Borghese and Villa Mattei , which resulted in a number of smaller essays. His discovery of a fragment of the consular fasts was significant . In these years the foundations of his comprehensive publication of the vases from the Collezione Castellani in the Capitoline Museums were laid, which he presented in two volumes.

In 1926 Paolino Mingazzini won the tender for the position of museum inspector and was assigned to the Soprintendenza for Sannio and Campania . In the same year, at the suggestion of Amedeo Maiuri , head of the Soprintendenza di Napoli, he examined a sanctuary of the Italian goddess Marica in the mouth of the Garigliano and presented his results two years later in an extensive publication. In the summer of 1927 he explored a sector of the Great Greek colony town of Elea in Campania. But it took more than twenty years before he and the Swiss archaeologist Friedrich Pfister, who was appointed managing director of the German Archaeological Institute in Rome in 1944 by the Unione internazionale degli istituti di archeologia, storia e storia dell'arte in Roma Research brought to a conclusion and published in 1954.

This was followed by the creation of archaeological maps for Sorrento and Capri on a scale of 1: 100,000, before Mingazzini, together with Pfister , prepared the map section of the Forma Italiae for Surrentum on behalf of the responsible head of the project, the archaeologist and topographer Giuseppe Lugli . During the period of his work at the Soprintendenza in Campania, the restructuring of the vase collections in the Museo Campano di Capua and the National Archaeological Museum in Naples took place . In the course of his scientific work, he presented the collection of Greek and Italian ceramics in Capua in four volumes of the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum .

University career

In 1931 Paolino Mingazzini was transferred to the Soprintendenza of Florence , but was appointed director of the Museo archeologico nazionale in Palermo in 1933, where he worked until 1937. After his habilitation , he also took over parts of the teaching at the University of Palermo from 1936 . In 1938 he was transferred to the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research , where he worked for the General Directorate of Antiques and Fine Arts . At the same time, he was aiming for an academic career and applied for the professorship in Classical Archeology at the University of Florence . He lost the corresponding tender against the younger Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli , but received the professorship at the University of Cagliari the following year . He used the time in Sardinia for archaeological field research, which resulted in several essays. In 1940 he became full professor of classical archeology at the University of Genoa , a position he held until his retirement in 1965. During this professorship he took part in the archaeological commission in Libya after being invited by Doro Levi and Pietro Romanelli . The result of this research was a work on the insula of Iason Magnus in Cyrene . After his retirement in 1965, he returned to Rome, where he died in 1977 after a brief illness. More than 150 essays and monographs form the scientific legacy of Paolino Mingazzini, whose death caused numerous obituaries in the scientific community.


Since his fellowship in Athens, he had a lifelong friendship with the German archaeologists Andreas Rumpf , Hans Diepolder , Karl Lehmann-Hartleben , and Ernst Langlotz . A study visit to Heidelberg University led to a friendship with Ludwig Curtius .

Memberships and honors

Publications (selection)

  • Vasi della Collezione Castellani: Catalogo. Two volumes. Rome 1930–1971.
  • Edizione archeologica della carta d'Italia al 100,000. Fogli “Sorrento” e “Capri”. Florence 1931.
  • Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Italia. Museo campano di Capua. Volume 1-4. Rome 1935-69.
  • with Friedrich Pfister: Forma Italiae, Latium et Campania. Volume 2: Surrentum. Florence 1946.
  • L'insula di Giasone Magno a Cirene. "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, Rome 1966.
  • Scritti vari. Published by Gioia de Luca. Bretschneider, Rome 1986.


Web links


  1. Paolino Mingazzini: I culti ei miti preellenici in Creta. In: Religio. Volume 1, 1919, pp. 241-314.
  2. Paolino Mingazzini: Le rappresentazioni vascolari del mito dell 'apoteosi di Heracles. In: Memorie della Reale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Series 6, Volume 1, Issue 6, 1925, pp. 413-490 ( digitized version ).
  3. Paolino Mingazzini: I culti delle Grotte del sacre lato North dell'Acropoli. In: Bollettino di studi storico-religiosi. Volume 1, 1921, pp. 34-46.
  4. Paolino Mingazzini: Villa Borghese. Inventario delle antichità. 1925.
  5. Paolino Mingazzini: Inventario delle sculture di Villa Mattei. Manuscript 1927.
  6. For example Paolino Mingazzini: Su alcune iscrizioni di Villa Celimontana-Mattei. In: Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica di Roma. Volume 50, 1922, pp. 82-84; the same: Iscrizione consolare cristiana inedita di villa Mattei. In: Nuovo bullettino di archeologia cristiana. Volume 27, 1921, 119 f. ( Digitized version ).
  7. Paolino Mingazzini: Un frammento inedito dei Fasti Consolari Capitolini. In: Notes degli scavi. Series 6, Volume 1, 1925, pp. 376-382.
  8. Paolino Mingazzini: Vasi della Collezione Castellani: Catalogo. Two volumes, Rome 1930–1971.
  9. Paolino Mingazzini: Il Santuario della Dea Marica all foci del Garigliano. In: Monumenti Antichi. Volume 37, 1928, pp. 693-979.
  10. Horst Blanck : The library of the German Archaeological Institute in Rome (= The German Archaeological Institute. Volume 7). Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 1979, p. 29.
  11. Paolino Mingazzini: Velia, scavi 1927: fornace di mattoni ed antichità varie. In: Atti e memorie della Società Magna Grecia. New series Volume 1, 1954, pp. 21–60.
  12. Paolino Mingazzini: Edizione archeologica della carta d'Italia al 100,000. Fogli “Sorrento” e “Capri”. Florence 1931.
  13. Paolino Mingazzini, Friedrich Pfister: Forma Italiae, Regio I Latium et Campania, II, Surrentum. Florence 1946.
  14. Paolino Mingazzini: Corpus Vasorum quorum. Italia. Museo campano di Capua. Volume 1-4. Rome 1935-69.
  15. Paolino Mingazzini: L'insula di Giasone Magno a Cirene. With contributions by the architect E. Fiandra. Rome 1966.
  16. ^ Entry on the website of the Presidenza della Repubblica.