Josef Kraegel

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Vienna Pictures, 1896

Ernst Josef Krägel (born January 9, 1853 in Oettingen in Bavaria ; † April 21, 1932 in Vienna ) was a German opera and operetta singer ( bass ), theater actor , director , director and composer .


Krägel was the son of a theater director and began his career as a musician at the age of 14 as a member of the Bad Reichenhaller Kurkapelle. At the age of 17 he became a military musician . In 1874 he began as an actor and singer in Ingolstadt and appeared in provincial theaters in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the following years. On April 14, 1886, he played "Carpenter Engstrand" at the Augsburg Theater in the German premiere of Ghosts .

Then in 1886 he worked from 1886 in Munich at the State Theater on Gärtnerplatz and at the Court Theater and at the Mannheim Court Theater . In 1892 he worked as a director and actor at the Vienna Carltheater , from 1893 as chief director and actor of the Raimundtheater and from 1898 at the Kaiser-Jubiläums-Stadttheater . After he retired in 1902 for health reasons, he still planned to found an Anzengruber Theater, of which he also became director.

His compositions also include the two operettas Die Zuaven (1889) and Die Dorfschwalbe (1890). He also composed the incidental music for “Der Salontiroler”, a comedy with singing in four acts based on Gustav von Moser . On the occasion of the premiere of his first operetta, the weekly newspaper Münchener Ratsch-Kathl wrote reflectively:

“Herr Krägel is an everyday person! Actors, musicians and singers - everything is the man, and what he does, he does it well; that he would also compose an operetta, one would not have believed and correctly, he understands composing too. "

- Munich Ratsch-Kathl on June 1, 1889


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Individual evidence

  1. Krägel, Ernst Josef . (PDF; 189 kB) Digital archive of the Austrian Academy of Sciences .
  2. Der Salontiroler , Stadt-Theater Würzburg, 1890.
  3. In the Theater am Gärtnerplatz , Munich Ratsch-Kathl , Volume I, Issue 4.