Josef Zitek

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Josef von Zítek
Zitek's grave

Josef Zítek , also Josef von Zitek or Joseph Zitek (born April 4, 1832 in Karolinenthal , † August 2, 1909 in Prague ), was a Czech architect .


Zítek studied at the Polytechnic in Prague and Vienna as well as at the Prague Academy . He was a representative of the Vienna New Renaissance and the late Northern Italian Renaissance, with Bohemian influence always visible. Zítek was later a professor at the Polytechnic in Prague and a member of the Vienna Academy . Among his students were Josef Fanta and Alfred Bayer .

After the fire at the National Theater, Zítek retired to Lčovice in 1881 . In the same year he married Berta Lippert, the daughter of the castle owner Marie Leopoldina Lippert, from whom he bought the castle and estate Lčovice with Zálezly in 1883 . Zítek was made a baron by the emperor. After his death, Lčovice Castle belonged to the sons Josef and Berthold Zítek until 1926. His grave is in the Malenice cemetery .




Web links

Commons : Josef Zítek  - album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Emanuel Poche (red.): Encyklopedie českého výtvarného umění , Praha 1975, s. 577
  2. ^ Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Volume 20. Leipzig 1909, p. 962 .: Zitek, Joseph Zeno
  3. Archiform Josef Zítek
  4. Zamek Lčovice (Czech) (accessed July 2019)