Joseph Ferdinand Maria von Salern

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Joseph Ferdinand von Salern (right) and Elector Max III. Joseph (left)
Joseph Ferdinand Maria Graf von Salern, Wappen-Ex Libris
Double portrait of Elector Max III. Joseph of Bavaria and Count Joseph von Salern

Count Joseph Ferdinand Maria von Salern (born September 24, 1718 in Berg bei Kling, Upper Bavaria, † December 7, 1805 in Munich ) was a German military and general director of court music.


Count Salern was the illegitimate son of Prince Ferdinand Maria Innozenz of Bavaria (1699–1738) and Countess Marie Adelheid Fortunata von Spaur (1693–1781), sister of the later Bavarian court bishop Joseph Ferdinand Guidobald von Spaur (1705–1793). He is thus a direct nephew of Emperor Charles VII and his brothers Clemens August , Elector and Archbishop of Cologne, and Cardinal Johann Theodor of Bavaria , Bishop of Freising, Regensburg and Liège.

Salern was the owner of the Geltolfing estate near Straubing; There a tombstone on the south side of the choir of the Catholic parish church of St. Petrus, marked "1811", reminds of him.

In the coalition wars he was general of the artillery and from 1804 owner of the 4th Line Infantry Regiment "Graf Salern" . He was also General Feldzeugmeister and Hofjägermeister. As general director of court music, he was a sponsor of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . In 1779 he was made a full member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences . In a painting he is depicted as confidante of his cousin, Elector Max III. Joseph depicted in the wood turning cabinet ( Johann Jakob Dorner the Elder , 1765)

His first marriage was to Countess Maria Mechtildis Antonia Theresia Franziska von Toerring -Jettenbach (1734–1764). This connection resulted in the only son, Max von Salern († 1810); with this the family died out in the male line.

He then married Countess Maria Josepha Theresia Walburga von La Rosée (1746–1772), daughter of Lieutenant Field Marshal Johann Kaspar Basselet von La Rosée . From this marriage two daughters were born. a. received music lessons from Mozart.


  • Hans Rall , Marga Rall: The Wittelsbacher in life pictures. Verlag Styria, Munich 1986, ISBN 3-222-11669-5 .
  • Hans E. Valentin, Erich Valentin , Eckehardt Nölle, Horst Stierhof: The Wittelsbachers and their artists in eight centuries. Süddeutscher Verlag, Munich 1980, ISBN 3-7991-6085-X .
  • Karl Eduard Vehse : The courts of Bavaria. Volume 1: From Duke Albrecht IV. The Wise to Elector Maximilian III. Joseph 1503 to 1777. Kiepenheuer, Leipzig 1994, ISBN 3-378-00562-9 .
  • Felix Joseph von Lipowsky : life and deeds of Maximilian Joseph, III. in Upper and Lower Bavaria, also the Duke of Upper Palatinate, Count Palatine near Rhine, the Holy Roman Empire Erztruchseß and Elector Prince, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg. Publishing house Giel, Munich 1833.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogical page on Maria Josepha Theresia Walburga von La Rosée and her family environment