Joseph Maria Benedikt Clauss

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Joseph Maria Benedikt Clauss , also Joseph Clauss (born May 20, 1868 in Strasbourg , † September 26, 1949 in Freiburg im Breisgau ), was a German Catholic clergyman and archivist .


After fleeing temporarily to Dürkheim and Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, Clauß attended the first Latin class there in the Casimirianum Neustadt . He then graduated from St. Stephan high school in Strasbourg and from 1888 studied philosophy and theology at the seminary in Strasbourg and history and art history at the University of Strasbourg . On August 10, 1893, he was ordained a priest by Bishop Adolf Fritzen in Strasbourg. In 1895 he acquired the Baccalaureat of theology in Strasbourg with the dissertation The Investiture Controversy in historical canonical assessment .

In 1893 he became vicar in Herbitzheim , in 1896 vicar at St. Fides in Schlettstadt , from 1898 to 1905 he was chaplain in Kaysersberg . In 1899 he became the state curator of the art monuments of the Rappoltsweiler district and from 1905 also of the Schlettstadt district. From 1905 to 1919 he was city archivist and until 1907 hospital pastor in Schlettstadt, in 1912 a member of the state commission for the inventory of art monuments in Alsace and a member of the Strasbourg Scientific Society (from 1919 Heidelberg). From 1914 to 1918 he served as a volunteer military pastor.

In 1919 he was expelled from the now French Alsace and from 1919 to 1925 he was parish curate in Denzlingen , in 1922 he was incardinated in the Archdiocese of Freiburg . In 1920 he received his doctorate from the University of Freiburg with the dissertation: The saints of Alsace, in their life, their veneration and their representation in art . From 1921 to 1933 he was editor of the Freiburg Diocesan Archive , in 1925 he became director of the Konstanz City Archives and the Wessenberg Library. In 1933 he was released without a pension. From 1934 he worked as a research assistant at the Archbishop's Archive in Freiburg , of which he was director from 1947 to 1948. On October 1, 1947, he was appointed to the clergy .

Publications (selection)

  • Historical-topographical dictionary of Alsace. Zabern 1895–1914 (Aar - Schlierbach) digitized
  • The saints of Alsace in their life, their veneration and their representation in art , Düsseldorf, Schwann, 1915
  • History of the city and the former bailiwick Le Cateau (Cateau-Cambrésis) , Düsseldorf, Schwann, 1917
  • Sancta Odilia , Karlsruhe 1922, Jul. Manias & Cie
  • The city church of Le Cateau , army printing works, Karlsruhe, 1922
  • The Kayserberg legends and their historical core , Frankfurt am Main, Elsaß-Lothringen-Inst., 1934
  • Saint Konrad, Bishop of Konstanz , Freiburg im Breisgau, Herder, 1947
  • Memento of my 81st birthday , 1948


Individual evidence

  1. Joseph Mar. Bened. Clauß: Memento of my 81st birthday . 1948, p. 5.