Joseph Martin Kleber

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Joseph Martin Kleber , from May 24, 1813 Joseph Martin von Kleber (* 1753 in Pfreimd ; † April 21, 1816 in Munich ) was a German lawyer .


Thanks to the support of his older brother, Joseph Martin Kleber received a university education.

After completing his studies, he gained practical experience at the regional courts of the time for several years and established his civil existence as a court lawyer in 1781 .

In 1784 Baron Johann Nepomuk von Berchem (1758–1820) from Niedertraubling entrusted him with the execution of legal transactions and the administration of Hofmark Pasing an der Würm . In the course of time he worked for several respected families, including the State and Conference Minister Count von Tattenbach and in 1792, after the death of King Leopold II , he was appointed an agent at the Imperial Vicariate Court in Munich. On August 19, 1793 he was appointed Fiscal Adviser to the Court Chamber in Munich and on December 30, 1796 to the Real Court Chamber Councilor.

After King Maximilian I Joseph had established the Bavarian General Directorate in Munich on May 8, 1799, Joseph Martin Kleber was one of the first councilors to become a member of the constitutional deputation, which also administered the fiscal affairs.

After the death of the privy councilor Karl Albrecht von Aretin (1741–1802), he was entrusted with the management of the fiefdoms , together with Count Philipp von Arco (1775–1805); the following year, Joseph Martin Kleber was given sole management of the business.

After the king had acquired lordships in South Prussia and Silesia from Prince Georg von Hessen-Darmstadt , Joseph Martin Kleber was given the task of administering them.

On August 25, 1808 he was first councilor of the fiefdom and sovereignty section at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and received the rank and title of legation councilor ; as such, in 1812 he became a member of the central examination commission for legal candidates who applied for employment in the civil service.

Joseph Martin Kleber was married twice and had three children from both marriages, but they died in childhood.

Awards and honors

Fonts (selection)


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Family tree of Johann Nepomuk Anton Melchior Barnabas Adam von Berchem. Retrieved January 23, 2020 (English).
  2. His electoral examination of the Pfalzbaiern court and state calendar: for the year 1799 . Franz, 1799 ( [accessed on January 23, 2020]).
  3. Münchner Intellektivenblatt: 1799 (1823) . Strobel, 1823 ( [accessed January 23, 2020]).
  4. Churpfalzbaierisches Regierungsblatt: 1802 . Strobel, 1802 ( [accessed January 23, 2020]).
  5. ^ Heinrich Schorch: State and Address Handbook of the States of the Rhenish Federation for the year 1811 . Verlag des Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, 1811 ( [accessed on January 23, 2020]).